
Start Your Own Budget!

by spacefairy1

You think you're spending too much or too little? Start your own budget with this guide!!! This article basically will tell you how many Neopoints to spend each day, whether you're poor, rich, or middle class, it'll basically tell you how to live and keep your pets happy without going over the limit of Neopoints!

OK food is a very important necessity in Neopia! You shouldn't spend too much on food or too little. If you're spending too much, you usually but expensive foods, and wait till your pet is bloated. (Which not that bad but I'll get to that later) If you're spending too little your pet is dying most of the time. Now, below are the the right amounts you should be spending every 2 days or so.

Poor & 1 pet: limit of 100
Poor & 2 pets: limit of 200
Poor & 3 pets: limit of 250
Poor & 4 pets: limit of 300

NOTE: Remember! You don't have to feed your pet till it's bloated, you could feed it till it's fine and you'd still stay around your budget!

Now for middle class and Rich Neopians

1 pet: 200
2 pets: 250
3 pets 300
4 pets: 350

The reason the middle class and rich Neopians can spend more is because buying food won't leave them broke (I suggest you feed them till there satiated)

Every Neopian craves for a paintbrush every once in a while or a Faerie. Don't deny it! Now special items are a good way to lose a lot of money! That's why this budget is very important!

Rich: Rich are more tempted to buy special items because they can afford them! So I'd stick to 3000 every 2 days,and keep earning money from games and things and earn the money for a special item rather than just taking it from you bank account!

Middle: OK so you can't afford everything so your not as tempted,but you still want items I'd say 2800.

Poor: OK you can't afford much I'd cut down on special items for a while, but if you really have to,about 1500

I really don't think these are very important! Ya you can play with toys every once in a while, I'd guess for anyone it would be 50-100 each day but I wouldn't do it often! I hope this helped you figure out how to use you money! Any questions, comments, or just to chat Neomail me! I'll try to get back to you! Good luck spending!!!!