
Raikisuu's Tricks of the Trade

by washu125

Games to make your NP, Items and Pets Prosper! Tricks on how to save up those Neopoints, How to make your Pet gain levels, learn new abilities, etc., Where to get the Elusive Faeries, Where to buy those Rare, Gotta-have Items, And, How to make your shop better then ever!

Welcome to Raikisuu the Gelert's TOTT. No, I didn't name it that because I love Tater-Tots...It's the abbreviation for Tricks Of The Trade (of course you probably figured that out already). This article is designed to help you make your NeoPets adventure better than ever! Keep reading this to get the scoop. =^.^=

Okay...First I'll tell you some Cool games to play to Rake in the NP!

Poogle Solitaire: This game costs 15 NP, but it's worth it. It takes a little Brain-Power to get the last Poogle in the middle of the board...I played for about 30 Minutes and only managed to get 200 NP. (Not one of my best games) But that wasn't Everything I got...In Total, I was given a Purple Poogle Toy, The 500 NP, and my Active Pet's Intelligence Level went up. = ' . ~ = This is a good game to play every day. You only get Neopoints once a day, however, but you can still practice so you can get more next time.

Dice-A-Roo: This only costs 5 NP, but it's Risky. Roll the Dice to get NP in your pot, but Some of the dice have heads with Nasty consequences. (Such as losing all the NP in the pot and ending the game!) I had 500 NP in the pot. A passing Blumaroo told me to take the money, but I decided to take one more roll before collecting my Loot. Unfortunately for me, I lost it all. So here's a hint for all you Blumaroo owners hooked on rolling dice: LISTEN TO THE PASSING BLUMAROO! IT JUST MIGHT BE THE BEST GAME YOU'VE EVER PLAYED IF YOU DO!

Kacheek Seek: This game is absolutely free! Choose a Hide-and-seek Area, and your pet will hide. Click on the hiding spots to see if they're hiding there. If they are, You win a NP prize of something around 20 NP, and you can play again. (You have to Refresh the main page to see your NP prize added to your total) You can play this MANY times before your pet will get bored. (like hours and hours and hours!) If you want to keep playing, Switch your Active Pet. They have different levels. Happy Valley is "Easy Peasy," Mystery Island, Faerie City and Spooky Forest are all "Medium," and the Ice Caves are "Quite Hard."

The Great NeoPets Hunt: This game doesn't cost anything, but you can only play it once per pet per day. Your pet hides in one of NeoPet's Sponsor's pages. You have to click on the hiding spot, witch is a link to one of the pages. You will know if you're pet is there, because they appear on the Front page. You start off with 2 NP for every page you visit in your hunt, and after 5 pages it goes up to 3 NP, and 4 NP after 10 pages, etc. After you play once with "Pet #1," Switch to "Pet #2" To get a different area with different pages. After that game you can switch to "Pet #3," and So on. NP isn't the only reward you can get in this game. The farther you go, the more of a chance you have of finding a Rare Item hiding in the page! :>

Save those NP!!! *waves arms frantically

Your smile fades as you read the message on the top of your page: "SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED! The Bug Brothers jump up and steal 44 NP!" Yes, it HAS happened before. You're innocently visiting the Pet Central Page, hoping to enter your pet in the Pet Spotlight, when something happens and you lose a Good Chunk of those hard-earned NP. Sick and tired of it? Good news, there's an excellent solution to the problem.

What is it?! Glad you asked. Go open up the main Shops Menu. Use the icon bar at the top of the screen, or use the main shops map to zip over to the Bank. Open an account to protect those NP from Prowlers. Deposit a good even chunk of your money, like 550 NP to stick in the vault. They give you 33 NP for opening an account, which you should deposit for later use. Take the NP you have left over in your pocket to play some games And get more NP to deposit (See game list above). To save even MORE money, Feed your pets at the Soup Faerie's Kitchen, and try to get some of those items laying under the Money Tree (Hurry, they're snapped up really quick!) but be careful of the "Wandering Ghosts" Who might steal from your Pocket book and put the money under the tree for someone to grab. They might even grab the items under the tree, and you'll have to wait a long time for more items to arrive. :o If you keep saving up, once it starts to be a gold mine, don't squander it all at once on that Fire Faerie. She might not even give your pet an ability, and It'll take FOREVER to save up again. Besides, if you keep on saving, You can buy 50 Fire Faeries! If you do Withdraw some, always put that amount back in. If you don't get enough money, Don't spend anymore money and Play Games until the Money is back in your Account. Happy Saving'!

Pump up your Pet! So exactly HOW do you PUMP up your pet? (Even I haven't mastered that topic!) Well, It depends on what you want. If you want your pet to gain levels and learn new abilities, try collecting a Codestone or two and training it at the Mystery Island Training Center. It can gain levels, work on it's Defense, Strength, and Speed. It's a great place to leave your pet for a while. The hardest part is getting the Codestone to pay for the lesson. A Faerie will bless a promising pet if you release one from it's bottle prison. There's a 50% chance it won't bless your pet though, so be cautious. It's never a bad idea to try, just make sure your active pet is a good candidate for being blessed by your winged friend. ;) To make your pet gain intelligence, play plenty of puzzles in the Games Room. (Neomail me if your pet gained any Strength or Defense, or Speed in the Games room!) Rumor has it that there are other ways to pump up your pet.....

Where can I get a Faerie?! Ah...The Faerie. Arguably the most Elusive creature in all of Neopia...Blesser of Pets...WHAT?! YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE TO FIND ONE?! *Faints* *pet runs to grab smelling salt* I can see that you seriously need some help. 8O Well...If You wanna find a Faerie, You have plenty of Options.

Surf, Surf Surf! Faeries are given out on the site at random, so surf around Neopia for a better chance of obtaining these mystical creatures.

Games!!! Sometimes, if you're VERY lucky, you will receive a Faerie as a prize, but it's EXTREMELY RARE.

Shop Shop Shop!!! Use the Shop Wizard to Search for whatever Faerie you want, and find it for a lower price. :)

Make a Wish! If you make a wish at the Wishing Well, your dream might come true! Be very Exact though, the well isn't the most clever thing in the world. You will receive an E-mail within 12 hours of your wish if the well has granted your wish.

Visit the Money Tree! I don't know if anyone would be crazy enough to, but you can check under the giving tree to see if anyone has donated a Faerie under the Tree.

Check out an Auction! Check out the local auctions and bid on your Faerie.

Where can I find This Rare Trinket? If you're looking for a Rare Trinket, you have a solid list of options. It might be given to you at random when you surf Neopia, or it might be a prize for winning a game. Check to see if it's laying under the Money Tree, or use Shop Wizard to browse through stores with your item. Make a wish at the Wishing Well, or check out the Auctions! You can also TRADE items through the trading post too.........

My Shop needs a Makeover! Your shop not making enough business lately? Running out of NP in your bank account just trying to keep it running? Let us give you some hints on giving your shop a brand new look. First, stop and go earn a few 100 NP by playing Games Galore. Then, take your cash and go to the Shop Wizard. Search for some good items at a low price. Go buy some, according to how much space is in your shop. Go back to your items and stick a few good items in your store, ones that have a good chance of being purchased. Save some for later, especially for when you go to restock.

Take a few items that are common, like an Apple, and auction it away for NP to buy a better item. After you have better items, it's up to you what you want to do in terms of size. You can expand so you can stock more items, or leave it the same size as it is. If you expand, you can make more money, and you'll get more hits and sell more items. (People love big stores!) You can leave it the same size so you won't move through your items all at once, and you can save up. But, your store is going to empty more quickly. It's up to you.