
An Interview With Dr. Sloth

by cutekitty80

Here we have an interesting interview with Dr Sloth. My pets came along for protection. Come and see what happened.

cutekitty80: *walks into the room, nervous.*

Dr. Sloth: "Wha-WHO'S THERE???"

cutekitty80: *startled* "Um, I came here for an interview, sir."

Dr. Sloth: "Well that's nice. Now go away."

cutekitty80: "Excuse me..---"

Dr Sloth: "WHAAAATTT???"

cutekitty80: "The interview is with YOU!!"

Dr. Sloth: "Oh. Well what then? How's my hair?"

cutekitty80: "Rumor has it that you went and asked Kauvara--"

Dr Sloth: "Who?"

cutekitty80: "Kauvara, the magic shop keeper. Rumor has it that you went and asked her for one of her potions. Then we found out that you turned the potion into lots of others and transformed them into evil transformation potions."

Dr. Sloth: "Well, erm, what do you plan to DO about it?"

cutekitty80: "Well I would like to get to the bottom of this."

Dr. Sloth: "Well what else do you want to ask? I'm in a hurry here so make it snappy!"

cutekitty80: "All right. You also told Kauvara to sell the potions in her shop, and when people used them their pets transformed into evil creatures. Why did you try again? Didn't the Space Faerie teach you a lesson?"

Dr. Sloth: *angry* "SHE DIDN'T TEACH ME NOTHING!!!!!!"

cutekitty80: "One more thing. When Kauvara found out what these potions did, she stopped selling them. Then I found out that you started giving them out on your own."

Dr. Sloth: "Oh all right I'll confess. You are the most annoying person I've ever met. And I don't have any weapons, so what the heck? I plan to turn all the pets into mutants to take over Neopia. So what are you gonna do about it, hmm?"

cutekitty80: "I'll somehow reach the Queen Faerie. She'll teach you!"

Dr. Sloth: *pulling out a blaster* "You wouldn't dare.."

cutekitty80's lupe, dart963: *pulling out an exploding snowball* "YEAH?? JUST WATCH ME!!" *fires the snowball at Dr. Sloth's blaster* POW!

Dr. Sloth: "AUGH!! That was my only weapon!!"

cutekitty80: "So you surrender?"

Dr. Sloth: "No! And you'd better leave me alone or I'll call all my soldiers!"

cutekitty80: "You won't have to. I've found all the information I need."

Dr. Sloth: *muttering* "Blasted neopian..."

So there you have it. Although Dr. Sloth was not stopped, we have found all what we need. This is your reporter logging off. Good day :)