
The Neo-Market Report

By stereolab

Yet again it's time to visit Neopia's leading financial forecasters for another edition of The Neo-Market Report. This week our hosts will be joined by Mookiah the Kau, President and CEO of Kau-Kau Farm, who will be here to discuss the emerging role of small businesses in the Neopian economy. And now, here are Neil and Maria…

KAUVUTO: Hello and welcome to this week's installment of The Neo-Market Report. I am your host Neil Kauvuto, and as always I am joined by my co-host Maria Blumaroono, who is at the News Desk with the latest from the exchange. Maria, what the word on The Street?

BLUMAROONO: Thank you, Neil. The big story on the floor this week has been the sudden collapse of many of the market's top companies, which began with the roller coaster rise and fall of Kacheek Telecomm. The company, which ended last week valued at 124 NPs a share, quickly skyrocketed more than four hundred points and opened at 580 NPs a share on Friday. However, news of a pending investigation by the Neopian Securities Exchange Commission (NSEC) into charges of insider trading caused Kacheek Telecomm's stock to drop like a shot. By the time investors had completed the bailout on Friday morning, Kacheek Telecomm stock was worth a mere 10 NPs a share. This sudden collapse caused investors from other market heavyweights such as Cybun Electromatics and The Presidential Palace to place sell orders, as rumours that their company would be next spread like wildfire. By the time the smoke had cleared, The Presidential Palace had dropped 926 NPs a share, Techrobatics Fitness Videos had plummeted eight hundred points, and Cybun Electromatics was down over seven hundred points a share.

KAUVUTO: One effect that the sudden demise of these companies has had is the emergence of smaller companies such as Korbat Cricket Supplies, The Chia Actor's Guild, and Breadmaster Bakeries. Though their gains are relatively small, investors feel that these "mom & pop" companies have the potential for long-term growth without the volatility that comes with higher profile corporations such as Kacheek Telecomm. Joining us today is the President and CEO of one such company, Mookiah the Kau of Kau-Kau Farm. Mookiah, thank you for joining us today…

MOOKIAH: Thank you for the opportunity to be here.

KAUVUTO: In light of what's been happening with the market recently, can you give us your impression of how that affects a company such as yours?

MOOKIAH: Well, to be honest with you I reckon I really don't spend a lot of time studying the Neodaq too much. I'm just a simple dairy farmer who gets up at the crack of dawn like the rest of the Kaus. My focus is mostly on the quality and value of the product, and the efficiency with which it's manufactured and shipped. As long as we make a good product at a reasonable price that gets to market on time, then I think there'll always be a market for what we do.

However, I do think a lot of investors are getting a little tired of the up and down that goes on with the speculation on some of these other companies. And if that's the reason they're putting their money on us, well I guess that's a good thing. You know, I'm just plain folks, but I'll tell you, the way I see this thing is that after a while people don't want hype and marketing campaigns, they want results. And the way I see it, the only way to get results is with a little ol' fashioned elbow grease.

BLUMAROONO: Now, you've recently introduced a line of milkshakes. Do you not plan to use a marketing campaign to raise consumer awareness of your new products?

MOOKIAH: Nah… I figure that if the milkshakes are any good, then people will hear about them and they'll sell. I mean, that's basically been our approach from day one for all our products. And besides, everybody loves milkshakes…if we can make some good ones, then I think they'll pretty much sell themselves.

KAUVUTO: Well, that's going to do it for us this week. For Maria Blumaroono and Mookiah the Kau, this is Neil Kauvuto saying thank you and so long.