
Count von Roo Voncovered

by Valarieguido

Well, I had the privilege (and the hairdo) to interview Count von Roo! In a couple of minutes he should be coming out...The sun is going down...THERE HE IS!!!! Okay, I'm going to interview him now...Here goes nothing.

Valarieguido: Hello mister Count von R...

Count von Roo: Voo may call me voonest.

Valarieguido: Okay... Voonest...

Voonest: Do my teeth look white to you? I saw the ventist vestervay...

Valarieguido: Um...They look fine... can we move on?

Voonest: Vo ahead...I'm vot stopping vou.

Valarieguido: It's rumored you used to be a normal Blumaroo. Is this rumor true or is it, well...just a rumor?

Voonest: Vov course vits true! Vat vid vou vink, I vas born a voopire?

Valarieguido: I'm sorry...Did I offend you?

Voonest: No. Vit vas a veird question, that's all.

Valarieguido: So Voonest, what kind of NeoPet do you have?

Voonest: A mutant Kacheek. It was abandoned and the vound didn't feed it properly so I took it to my castle.

Valarieguido: You were in the pound??!!

Voonest: Ves...The Kacheek's name was Voovanita.We voke out. She didn't vake it but I vidn't care. I vas free!

Valarieguido: I can't help but notice your accent...Is that from your teeth or is it some fad amongst you and your fellow roopires?

Voonest: Fad? Vom' von! I thought you reporters go to school! It's from the teeth!!

Valarieguido: Oh ...I didn't realise this...

Voonest: That's vine!

Valarieguido: What is your real name? Did you have a real name?

Voonest: Vy veal name vas Vstavon...Vestavon Bloomtail...

Valarieguido:You mean Estavon?

Voonest: Ves, Vestavon, vit's va teeth! *HA HA HA!!*

Valarieguido: That's a good one!!

Voonest: Vits not a joke.

Valarieguido: Sorry, well we're running out of time but first I've got another questio...

Voonest: Voo seem to vave someving on vor neck...

Valarieguido: I do? Can you get it off?

Voonest: Vertainly! I'm VUNGRY to help a vice cup of blood... I mean, I'd love voo..

Valarieguido: I'm not falling for that!!

Voonest: Well, vokay...Vat vas the question?

Valarieguido: How many pets do you eat a week?

Voonest: Voo many vo count. Vhy do vou think they call me the count?

Valarieguido: Eww!! I'm gonna leave!

Voonest: Good-bye!! Vome vack voon!!!

Valarieguido: I vill not....