
The Editorial:

The Editorial section has changed. To make it more useful to everybody we have decided to take the most frequently asked questions we receive each week here so you can get a thorough answer straight away from one of the creators of NeoPets. Here are the most frequently asked questions NeoPets support received this week:

1 - I have been challenged by another character in the Battledome, what do I do?
At the moment you cannot do anything. This is a challenge for the one player Battledome which will be launched very shortly. Then you will be able to have one player fights with characters such as Dr Sloth, Chiazilla and the Power Puff Girls.

2 - Can I use the gardening supplies or flowers yet?
No, not yet. The next addition to Neohomes will be building your own garden. Then you will be able to plant flowers, use fertilizer and see your garden grow :)

3 - How do I get a job?
At the moment the Faerieland Employment Agency is open for Alpha testing. We have let a small number of people test the jobs to help us find any bugs before we release it. The testing is going very well and it should be open to the public in the near future.

4 - How do I get more Neopoints?
If you are new to NeoPets and are short of Neopoints, there are a number of ways you can get your hands on some. Firstly try the Money Tree, here kind people donate unwanted food and Neopoints for the needy. Then try playing some of the games such as Lenny Trivia, Kiko Match or Meerca Chase. You can earn a lot of points from these and they are free to play.

5 - When is Terror at 30,000 Feet going to open?
Terror at 30,000 Feet (the game at the top of Terror Mountain) is almost finished. It should go live early next week :)

6 - My friend sent me a NeoPet by email, how do I collect it?
If you get an email from a friend recommending NeoPets, you are sent an example of the NeoPet that they think you would like. They don't actually create a pet for you. You are free to create whatever you wish, or adopt an unwanted NeoPet from the Neopian Pound.

7 - I can't see the second floor of my Neohome, Help!
You will be able to add furniture and move it around on your second floor, very soon. We just wanted to get the first floor working completely first :)

8 - How do I know if I have won the lottery?
If you win the National Neopian Lottery, you will be sent an email congratulating you. If you haven't entered your email address, you can either add it by going to the Help section and clicking on 'Your Preferences', or just check the Lottery page. All the winners usernames are listed there each day.

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here e-mail it to editor@neopets.com. The most common ones will be shown here next week.