
Notes for Newbies

by pikablu97

So you've just joined NeoPets, and you need a bit of help? Here are some tips to help get ANYONE started:

1. Don't complain if you're low on NP! It's pretty easy to earn plenty more, just play Grundo Gym, Meerca Chace, Kacheek seek, anything! And to avoid this problem, just save your NP at the bank. The Skeith may look mean, but he takes good care of your NP, and he will even give you interest.

2. Don't build a NeoHome right away. Wait until you have 6,000 NP saved up, and don't spend more than 2,000 NP when you start.

3. This is a VERY important one, so listen up: NeoPets IS ONLY A GAME! Repeat that to yourself after you just lost 150 NP on Jubjub blackjack, you bet a ton on Poogle racing and lost, or that Faerie you spent 3000 NP on doesn't bless your pet. IT'S ONLY A GAME, and a very entertaining one I might add. ;)

4. Your NeoPet DOES NOT, repeat, DOES NOT die without food. If you're short on NPs, or your parents ground you from the Internet, don't worry about your NeoPets--they don't die without food, although keeping it full is the very best way to keep them happy.

5. You don't need to fight in the Battledome that much, but if you're itching for a fight, and you can't afford that Codestone in the window, you should go to the BD board, because there are a TON of people who're like you: they want a fight, but can't pay for a codestone. And don't forget to check the pet you're about to challenge's stats! Make sure they're around the same level as your pet.

6. Don't buy that Faerie or Codestone! - Not until you fight in the Battledome regularly. AND ALWAYS AUCTION NERKMIDS! They don't usually give you that great a food from the Alien Aisha Vending machine. And sometimes, they don't give you anything AT ALL!

7. Take advantage of that Newbie Pack. I would've, except that everyone who was at NeoPets after the Be-at-100-NP-recharge-every-day had it harder than you Newbies do. Know why? Because the Newbie Pack was added only a month or two ago.

8. OPEN A SHOP! Use the advice from the article by Battlemaster67 in issue 46, and sell the Fuzzle from your Newbie pack. Just buy your NeoPet a NeoPet doll instead, because they don't break, and they make your pet just as happy. The Fuzzle alone can pay for your shop. Oh yeah, and use the Shop Wizard to help price your items.

9. Do the quests, especially the Witch's quest in the Haunted Woods. Sometimes the item she gives you can sell for 3000 NP+! She gave me one that sold for 5800 NP, and my brother taisuyumon2 got an item from a quest (the witch one) that sold for 7400 NP. And last, but not least:

10. HAVE FUN! And if you run out of games to play (Yeah, like that would happen), just visit the chat!

OK All, I hope you enjoyed my article....

_Adriana: *Reads article aloud to Chi_Chia9, Shishai, and Lina_90*

Chi_Chia9: We wanna say something!

Shishai: Yeah! We want to be in your article too!

_Adriana: Me too!!

Lina_90: Ditto!

Pikablu97: OK, OK, you can... *Huddles with pets, whispering*

Pets: OK!

Chi_Chia9: We hope...

Shishai: You enjoyed...

Lina_90: The Article...

_Adriana: Our owner wrote.

Chi_Chia9, Shishai, Lina_90, _Adriana, and Pikablu97: Bah!

Pikablu97: *Gives everyone who reads the article Huzzah cheeseballs* They go "Huzzah" when you eat them. ^.^ If you need one more tip, Neomail me.