
Orange: Part One

by dragonmagic1313

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, a litter of 25 green Gelerts were born. Well, 24 green ones and one odd looking orange one. The owner of the orange one's mother raised ONLY purebred green Gelerts, so she would NOT allow Orange. Orange, the orange Gelert, was dumped into the pound as soon as he was old enough to leave his mother.

Orange had been living in the pound for years. He had gotten to be great friends with Dr_Death, the Techo that managed the pound. Orange had no cage, he roamed the pound freely, which explained why no one had ever adopted him.

"Hey, Death!" called Orange.

"Yeah?" Dr_Death answered.

"Get a look at that fat old Gelert over there!" giggled Orange. He had no idea that 'the fat old Gelert' was his mother.

In fact, Orange had no idea of his past. He had never asked, but he thought that he had been born at the pound, his mother, father, brothers and sisters adopted, and he hadn't been, not remembering being the only orange Gelert in his family, not even knowing that he was the only orange Gelert in Neopia.

Dr_Death knew all about Orange's past. He forced a tiny laugh. "Yeah," he said. Orange put his front paws up on the windowsill and watched his mother. She stared at him, laughing in the window.

"Orange?" she whispered. Orange's mother ran from her owner and through the door of the pound. "Orange, is it really you?" she asked.

"Hey, how'd you know my name?" demanded Orange. "You're my son," whispered Orange's mother.

Orange snorted with laughter. "You wish. Just because I'm the coolest Gelert in town doesn't mean that a Fatso like you could just walk up to me and tell me you're my mother!" laughed Orange. A couple tears rolled down Orange's mother's face. She turned around and ran out of sight.

Dr_Death sighed. "You know, Orange, maybe it's time for you to get adopted."

"Are you CRAZY, Death?" Orange cried. "The pound is my home and you are my family!"

"No, it isn't, Orange. Listen, that 'fatso' was really your mother," said Dr_Death. He put his long, green lizard-like arm around Orange and brought him into his office. He explained, with trouble, to Orange about his past. Orange didn't believe it at first, but Dr_Death finally showed him a photograph of him when he was little with all his sisters and brothers, taken by his mom and given to Dr_Death to show him when he was ready, he believed.

Orange was shocked. He flicked his tail; he did this when he was aggravated or upset. In this case, he was both.

"But. But. But!" Orange stammered.

"It's true," was all that Dr_Death said.

"I think it's time that I get adopted," Orange sighed. Dr_Death gave Orange one of the roomier cages.

To be continued...