
Shop Till You Drop

by weeoneangeldreams

Those of you are always saving and saving all the money you earn, and feeding your pet the cheapest items possible, you simply don't know what you are missing. There are some people who are more inclined towards having fun and collecting things... and there are people who love shopping. Are you one of them?? I am! Let me give you some guidelines regarding collecting the coolest items, and making megabucks at the same time.

The Shop Wizard

The Shop Wizard can be a very good friend for the avid shoppers like myself. But you need to have enough patience and you need to know all the tricks. Will you believe me if I told you that I got a scritchy-sketchy paintbrush in a shop for just 150 NPs? You won't, but I did! One day I was unable to buy RollerBlades from the toy shop because it sold out. Angry, I went to the wizard. There were people selling it for 300-350 NPs, when I suddenly came across one selling at 10 NP. I went over to the shop, only to find new and special toys galore-all at 10 NPs! And once I bought a Cinnamon Swirl for 25 NPs. Even in these post-Neggery days, some people do sell Rainbow Neggs at 75 NPs! Don't believe me? Try it out. You will have the time of your life as you find the best bargains possible. What to do with all these?

Simple. Open a gallery. Show off...come on! It's fun! Sell 'em off if you want to, or trade for even cooler stuff!

The Risk Factor

Of course there remains the risk factor. You have to be careful regarding what you show off. Be extra careful with your password, change it every alternate day like myself!

The Money Factor

And of course, the most important thing. The money. People with less than 10,000 NPs, please try this shopping thing at your own risk. Many people might say, if I spend all my money on shopping, what will be left for me? I say, this shopping is for bargains. You need not buy unless you get the best bargains! And hey, look at me, I spend so much. Yet I have decent money, I earn well, and I am happy! What else could one want?

So if you agree with me, Neomail me. Maybe we can discuss more about shopping! Happy shopping!