
Elianny and SuperComet: Part One

by westielovergurl

1,000,000 NP - A Beginning...
SuperComet and Elianny LOVED shopping. They both had jobs from the Employment Agency, so they always had Neopoints to spare for shopping. They worked together in an office for a guild, called Totally Gurls. (It's a REAL guild!) Elianny was an Assistant Secretary, and SuperComet was in charge of handling ALL the donations they received! Their owners let them keep half of their profits, since they always got good marks, and always helped out at home.

One day, SuperComet and Elianny decided to go to the Toy Store. They wished with all their heart that they could get a toy, but their jobs were not very well paying, only enough for them just to get necessities, for example, food, clothes, (OF COURSE!), and books, which they needed to keep their studies up, which, might I remind you, is what was able to get them 50% of their profits!

"Look at that BEAUTIFUL Cheery Blossom!!" Elianny gawked.

"Doesn't that Chia Soft Toy, the one wearing those extremely cool clothes look JUST LIKE ME?" asked SuperComet, who by the way, was constantly concerned about her looks.

"Let's go inside and just look!" suggested Elianny.

"Sure! I HAVE to see what that doll is wearing!" cried S.C.

As they entered the store, the Lupe behind the counter smiled at them, and greeted them by saying, "Welcome!" They both smiled warmly, and SuperComet went directly to the Soft Chia Doll. Elianny went to look at the price tag of the Cheery Blossom. The prices of both of the toys were right up there, and as they sadly walked out of the toy store, they both stopped in their tracks as the Lupe cried out, "Wait!"

They looked behind. The generous Lupe told them to wait, and hurried into the stock room. He returned with two small bags, and handed one to each NeoPet.

"Oh my Faerie Queen!" they both cried out in unison. In each bag was a plush toy. SuperComet had a Soft Chia Toy, and Elianny had a plush Aisha. Both were not in the best of shape, as both of the plushies were missing one eye, and both had quite a few tears and stains, but Elianny and S.C both LOVED the plushies. To SuperComet's delight, they even had clothes! "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" they cried, and they profusely thanked him and promised to pay him back, but the friendly, social Lupe said that it wouldn't be necessary.

SuperComet had the idea to get the same clothes as the two plushies. The plushies had the same clothes, so they would get two matching pieces of clothing. Clothing was cheaper, and was always in stock, as not all Neopians loved clothing, so they headed for the Uni's Clothing Shop.

Elianny saw the Usul from the Beauty Parlor in Uni's shop as she walked through the doors. They were leafing through make-up and fashion magazines. "Hello!" they greeted Elianny. Many customers suddenly looked excited, but the Uni said, "Not yet, it is only the 99th customer!"

Suddenly, SuperComet raced through the doors, huffing and puffing from the race Elianny and her had had, to see who could get to the popular clothing shop first.

Dead silence. The Usul grinned, and the Uni promptly pushed a button, labeled "DROP".

HONK HONK! Balloons rained down. Confetti was dumped on SuperComet, and all the NeoPets inside cheered.

"Oh what a super DUPER wonderful day!" the Usul from the beauty parlor cried happily.

"What in Neopia's name is going on?" Elianny asked, confused.

To be continued...