
Interview with a Recent Wooden Spoon Recipient

by AstroLiz

AstroLiz: Hello, I am AstroLiz with Neopia's 6:00 o' clock News. We have one of our best journalists about to have an interview with a pet we found at the pound. Ktsunshine take it away!

Ktsunshine: Thanks Liz! We have found a poor Moehog at the pound and are going to ask him a few questions.**walks over to the Moehog** Hi, I am a reporter for Neopia News. May I ask you a few questions?

Moehog: Yeah I guess. Do you have any tissue? **Puts down his Acara Plushie**

Ktsunshine: Why do you think your owner abandoned you?

Moehog: I think it's because I always get the Wooden Spoon award!

Ktsunshine: Does the Uni treat you nicely?

Moehog: Oh Yes! She always goes to the Money Tree and gets a toy for me and same with other pets that are here.

Ktsunshine: What if she doesn't have enough for all the pets?

Moehog: She goes to the Marketplace and buys stuff with her own money. She's nice. Sometimes she even asks what we want.

Ktsunshine: Would you miss her if someone came and adopted you?

Moehog: If the owner was nice and treated me like she does I wouldn't miss her that much, but if the owner treats me badly and makes me starve then I would run away to get caught by the pound people.

Ktsunshine: Do you ever wonder where your mommy is?

Moehog: Actually I saw her in here the other day, she was searching for a Poogle.

Ktsunshine: Did she see you?

Moehog: Yes, I walked up to her and she just kicked me away.

Moehog: Well, it's time to go to the Soup Kitchen for supper.

Ktsunshine: Okay, have a good supper, and thanks for letting me do this interview. Back to you Liz.

AstroLiz: Doesn't this just make you want to go and adopt a pet? Well now we will turn the camera's to Tyler_136 for some great stock tips...