
Meekins Saves the Queen!

by Malega (Speckleburst's NeoPet's PetPet)

A shadow stood at the edge of a rock, it sat motionless and watched the sun rise like a golden ball of hope for all to see. A pair of Beekadoodles began to chirp a cheerful tone telling everyone it was time to get up. The Lupe wanted to do his part so he let out a howl. He thought for sure that his owner could hear him that way she would know he was all right.

Lupy looked at his Meekins who was lying in a heap with her huge ears covering her face. "Malega, come now." The Meekins moved her ears so she could see her companion.

"Must we go now?" Malega stood up and put her nose as high as she could and sniffed at the wind. It was a trait she had learned from Lupy on their first hunt together.

"Yes, if we don't go now we may never make it before night fall."

Malega nodded then started to clean her fur. "I'm ready, Lupy. I will go where ever you go."

Lupy smiled then threw Malega into the air. The Meekins laughed then threw out her ears and flapped as hard as she could. They were off.

They walked for miles and Malega was exhausted. She looked around to see that everything was dead. "Lupy what's wrong with this place?"

"Long story made short, loyal minions of the dark one used to live here a long time ago. The faeries joined together and they all agreed that they would never come near this place again. And you know that nothing can live unless a Faerie flies over it sprinkling its magical dust. Earth Faerie helps all the plants that grow up from the ground. The fire Faerie flies over our NeoHomes keeping the fires lit. All the faeries keep life going."

Malega nodded again and again. She hoped that Lupy would tell that she was hungry and feed her.

"You tired little guy?" Lupy stopped in his tracks and held out his paw to catch Malega. "Wanna rest on my back?"

Malega didn't have time to answer as Lupy set her on his back. Her sparkling eyes spotted the bag rapped in a red bandanna.

"No eating until the sun is right above our heads." Malega whined.

"Okay just one." Lupy undid the bag and reached in. In his paws he held a treasure to that little Meekins, a yummy cheesy Neo chip!" Malega shrieked in delight and snacked on it as they carried on.

They were both extremely tired out when they reached their destination. "You poor things!" A voice gasped from behind them. "Come with me and I'll help you both."

There before him stood wonders of all wonders! It was the Uber Water Faerie herself. Lupy bowed in respect and Malega stood there wondering what to do.

"Please let this work out right." The Water Faerie waved her hand and murmured a little chant.

Malega couldn't see a thing and she wished she knew what was happening. After a few minutes of pure darkness she saw light up ahead. It came closer so close that she could almost touch it. Bang! The noise startled her and she dodged in time just before a stream of blue stuff came flying by her.

"Lupy?" She looked around wildly in search of something she knew. The ground wasn't the same like it should be. It was a shade of different whites that were so soft she wanted to laugh and sleep over and over again. Could this be those things she had seen in the sky? Her mind thought of what they were called and she came up with no answer. She was only born the day before. All she knew was that she had always dreamed of flying above them and now her dream was coming true.

Another blast of blue stuff came shooting out of no where and Malega barely escaped it but her ears could feel the wind from it.

She looked at where it had come from. The thing was so beautiful. Her purplish pink hair flowed around her face and on her head she wore a small crown. But if she was good why was she shooting at her?" She looked the other way and saw her target. It was a pure black creature with an evil stare which looked at the kindness that was attacking him.

Malega's heart knew that she had to help but what could she do? Her soul raced at the thought of helping for good. Then it hit her. She could distract him. She flew up with all her might and followed the stench of his clothes.

The lady continued to fight but she could barely scratch the smirk off of his face.

The creature boomed over the noise of the zapping blue stuff. He began to laugh which made Malega cover her ears in pain.

Soon she managed to come right over his head and she went into a dive. She raked her little claws against his face. He swiped his hand and she went flying. The last thing she saw was a huge blast of every color envelope the thing. Then Malega collapsed on the fluffy ground.

"You brave soul." Malega blinked and looked up. She was lying in a room built for a king. The beautiful lady sat next to her in a comfy red chair.

"Who are you and where's Lupy?"

"I am the Faerie Queen." Malega was frozen. She was the Queen? "You did a good deed out there. You saved me from total destruction." Malega was shocked. "And who's Lupy?"

She thought for a moment of his full name. "Lupy55. I am his loyal Meekins"

"If you are so loyal then where is he?"

Malega starred. "I don't know! This Faerie said she would help us and she said somethin' and they were gone and..." Malega couldn't carry on because she began to break out in sobs.

The queen smiled. "Why must she always mess up?" She picked up the Meekins "It's okay. I will get some of my best warriors to find your Lupy."

Malega starred into the Queen's eyes and she knew she was telling the truth. She took her ear and wiped away her tears.

"Now get some rest. Tomorrow holds a bid day for you." The Faerie Queen placed Malega in her bed and gently kissed her on her nose.

The End