
The Neositter

by lillie_dew

"Alethia honey," Emilou called. "Can you come here for a minute?"

"Coming mum," I yelled from the other end of the house. "Yes what is it?"

"We're going to get you a little sister!" Emilou said with a pleased look on her face.


I was overjoyed! For months I wanted a playmate, someone to talk and laugh with! I didn't want to waste any time so I ran to the door and opened it. Emilou and I walked briskly down our street.

"What's she gonna be mum?" I asked looking up at her face.

"You'll see," said Emilou as the create-a-pet center came into view.

We walked inside the huge purple and gold doors into a room full of people. They were all lining up in queues behind signs that said the name of NeoPets. "Aisha", "Bruce", "Chomby" and "Elephante" signs flashed past. Emilou got us lined up behind a sign where there were very few people. It said "Kacheek" on it.

"Can I choose what she looks like mum?" I asked getting more and more excited.

"Sure!" She said. I looked at the purple spotty eggs behind a grumpy looking lady at the counter, and wondered which one would come home with us.

"NEXT!" Yelled the grumpy lady.

"Hello, I'd like a…ummmm…female…err…blue Kacheek please," I said and looked up at mum for reassurance. She just smiled at me. I looked back at the lady.

"You wanna name it kid?" she asked angrily.

"Y-yes" I said a little nervously, I hadn't expected the lady to be so angry! "I'd like her to be called star_light. Please?" I added.

The cutest baby Kacheek appeared from under the counter. "There you are," the lady said. "Star_light the blue female Kacheek Have a nice day. NEXT!" She roared again. I grabbed star_light. Mum star_light and me walked home back home. I couldn't wait to tuck star up in my bed and give her a hug so she would sleep. From that moment, I loved her more than anything I had ever loved. Apart from mum of course!


The next two months were great. I earned 10 Neopoints pocket money a week; half went into our savings account, and the other half I used to treat star_light (nicknamed star). I bought her a television, books, little treats (candy). She grew to love chocolate cake so once a week I would buy her a big slice of chocolate cake. Then mum had to go away, so I came up with the idea to hire a neositter. We sent out messages asking for a fully qualified neositter and finally we came to interviewing a few people. One guy seemed really nice. I can't remember his name, but star and me both thought he would be the best neositter. So mum agreed.

"Be good you two!" mum smiled at us. "The sitter will be here in half an hour, there's food in the fridge and money on the bench. I'll miss you!" She swooped down on us, planting a big kiss on both cheeks.

"Bye mum," I whispered. "Love you forever!"

"Bye mumma!" Star whispered. "I love you lots and lots mumma!"

"Good bye my two gorgeous pets!" She said. She grabbed her bag and walked out of the door. Star and me settled down and watched TV. About 20 minutes later we were munching on some popcorn and watching a new TV program.

"Is Thelma being naughty?" Star asked me, her velvety brown eyes wide and staring. "Is she being bad girl?"

"No she's not star! She's giving her special friend Marco a kiss." I said hoping mum wouldn't kill me for letting star watch this. Suddenly a voice at the door said:

"Is anyone in there? I'm the neositter." The voice was a man's voice. From the sound of things probably in his 30's. "Hello? Is anyone in there?" He said again. I got up off the couch with star in my arms and went over to the door.

"Yeah we're in here, what's the password?" I wasn't going to let anyone in just because they said they were our sitter! I knew better than that! The man said our password, and I let him in. He was a kind looking man, with brown hair and brown eyes. He had a few freckles and he said his name was Jerry206. I introduced Star and myself, and said we had just eaten, so I better go and put star down to sleep and finish my homework.

"Sure!" He said. "What a good big sister you are! I wish my little Jemima was as good as you." I felt proud. I laid star down in her bed and she snuggled down in her fuzzy purple blanket. She closed her eyes for a few seconds before she said:

"Where's bobo (her Cybunny toy I bought for her)? I want my bobo!" she sat up and started looking around her bed. She saw the Cybunny, grabbed it and she settled back down again, chewing on its ear.

"Have a good sleep star_light!" I whispered and kissed her on her cheek. I sighed and sat down at my desk. I took out my homework and started on my math problems. I was half way through tackling a complicated sum when I heard a clanging sound from the kitchen and I wondered if Jerry206 needed any help. I got up making sure not to scrape the chair over the wood, and tiptoed down the hall. I didn't want to wake star now! I padded softly into the kitchen and saw Jerry clearing out Emilou's wallet! He looked at me and said I've changed the password to your house so now you won't be able to get out! You're lucky I didn't shove you two little brats in the pound!" Jerry spat these last words at me and his face was screwed up. He looked totally crazy. He said something in another language and the front door opened. He walked out and said, "So long!" and sauntered out of the door with the sack of Emilou's money in his hand. I didn't know what to do. I sat down in total shock. I just would not let myself believe what had just happened to me, to us! I would never see Emilou again! No friends or any more school. It just couldn't happen. I ran to the cupboards to see if Jerry had cleaned out the food. Oh thank god! There was still a good supply of cake and crackers. Apples, grapes, carrots and vitamins. We weren't going to starve any time soon!


We're still in here mum! There's some food left but not much, we're running out! Please help get us out of here! I miss the smell of fresh air, and the sound of the birds chirping in the morning. I miss my friends, I miss my school! But the worst thing about being in here is that you're out there! I miss you mum! And remember, I love forever.

The End