
Super_Spazz's Run-in

by neo_spazz294

Super_Spazz the green Shoyru is super hyper all the time! He can't sit still for even a second. He always bounces around, and I always have a handful with him. Well, mostly he can be just plain annoying. But he's cute, and I love him, even if he IS a super spazz. Well one day his Hyperness paid off.

I began typing at the computer as Spazzy began to jump up and down.

"You know, Spazzy," I said to him as he literally bounced off the walls. "I swear that I will regret the day I give you sugar."

I ruffled his head affectionately. He bounced up and down and I grabbed his middle. "Calm down, you hyper nut!" Setting him down, I watched him. He sat still except for a spastic twitch of his tail.

"Aww, but Neo, I gotta move! I'm freaking out here!"

"And I'd also regret the day I see you nervous."

I picked him up and hugged him and made him sit on my lap.

"Neo! Are you listening? Neo! I'm hungry! Neo! I'm bored. Neo! Neo! Neo!"

His nagging was getting too much for me.

"Spazzy, be quiet. If you don't, the Bubble is quite handy."

Then Spazzy started to whine, "But Neo! I AM hungry, and I AM bored..."

"If you're not careful, I'll gag you with a gym sock," I joked.

He clutched his throat and made funny choking noises and fell over on his side, off my chair.

Laughing, I flicked his nose and told him how cute he was.

"I know, I know," he smiled. Then in mock imitation of my voice, he said, "'Even though you can't sit still, I love you. Even though you are superbly Spazzy, I love you. Even though you are too cute for words, I love you. And you know what? I'll never stop loving you either.' And then you get all mushy and flick my nose!"

I laughed again. "Let's go to the store, Spazz."

"A-OK, Neo!"

He hopped along next to me as I headed to Candy_Addict's shop. I stepped inside and looked at what they had.

Spazzy silently (surprisingly!) slipped by me as I chatted with Funky Kau.

"Ah, here it is!" he whispered, grabbing a fudge block off of the shelf.

He yanked the "30 NP" tag out and gobbled the hole thing down. Then he found an Eyrie Sweater and tugged it over his head. He went to the Slushie machine and entered Salmon Sherbert-Large. Sipping that, he crept outside and waited for me. He was done with the slushie and threw the shirt in the trash, by the time I came out, and I should have noticed something was up when he was only a blur when he moved.

"SpaaaaZZYYYY!!!" I shrieked. "Why are you super HYPER!?"

He talked in a fast stutter, which I couldn't make out.



I picked Spazzy up and shook him, and he grinned wildly.

"I said...I...ate...fudge...and...a...slushie...and...some...more...fudge..and...I...stole...a...tee...shirt!"

It was a miracle to have him slow down like that! But then I heard what he said.


"Yeahmam!" he rushed.



I went to the trash can and picked out the sweater. It was covered in all sorts of junk.

"Ew!" I muttered. I tossed it back in the trash and turned around just in time to see Spazzy dashing out of the shop with a huge boot following him.

Spazzy kept running, faster then ever, and didn't stop until he was lost.

Lost? He never thought of that.

"NEO??? Neo_Spazz294?!" he called.

I couldn't have heard him, he was to far gone. Then he turned and saw glowing red eyes.

"Nice thingy!" he yelped. He dashed around a tree and peeked at those eyes.

A huge growl erupted from the darkness.

"nice monster...good monster..." he said in a small voice.

Then the figure came forward. It was a huge Monocerous! It snorted and pawed the ground. Gulping, Super_Spazz leaped into the tree he hid behind.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" he yelled.

The Monocerous snarled and flung itself against the tree. Spazzy fell out and onto the ground. He jumped at the Monocerous' loud snort.

"EEP!" he cried.

It charged him and he used his speed and agility to dodge it. He realised he had the advantage! He swerved around and grabbed its tail. He bit down as hard as he could!

The Monocerous screamed at Spazzy and it felt like sound waves rippling his body.

Spazzy jumped onto the Monocerous' back and bit his ear.

This time the Cerous shrieked! AND This time it felt like the sound was ripping at his flesh. He realised it was! He leaped off its back and swiped at the air, then discovered it was only centered at one place.

Spazzy dashed ahead off the thing and ran in circles. Thoroughly confusing the huge beast, he kicked its head and headbutted its sides. The beastie wheezed at the onslaught and finally succumbed to the deft blows that Spazzy dealt. It turned over from its back and pinned Spazzy down, its reeking breath breathing down his face.

That's when I came in.

"Spazzy! NO!" I shrilled.

I ran up and kicked it in the behind, and it turned and glared at me. Those eyes...I stood rooted to the spot where he saw me. I couldn't move! It advanced on me, and leaped upon me, knocking me out.

I woke up much later in my own bed, with Spazzy curled up at my feet. I shook him and he gave a start.

"Uh...oh, hi Neo! You're safe!" He hugged me tight and leapt back.

"What happened after I fell?"

"Well," he began. "I got really mad that the Monocerous hurt you and tackled it. But then it grabbed me by the neck and tried to shove this Potiony thingy down my throat. I took some, but not all of it. Then I bit its throat, and well...it croaked."

"Interesting! I think this deserves some place of honor!" Spazzy jumped up and down and ruffled MY hair for once, and then he jumped down and waited for me to get up. Then, I noticed something. His tail didn't twitch. He sat still, with out twitching.

"Spaz!" I cried happily. "Spaz! You aren't twitching!"

"Huh? Oh yeah...that's what that potion did. It calmed me down...just a TAD."

I gave him a big hug and sat at the computer. I began typing at the computer as Spazzy began to jump up and down.

"You know, Spazzy," I said to him as he literally bounced off the walls. "I swear that I will regret the day I give you sugar."

And I still do.

The End