
Shoyrulan 4: Racing Midnight

by Alliecuno

A red Shoyru walked along the street of Neopia with a blue Uni, and a blue Meerca. Any one who was anyone knew these pets as Shoyrulan the red Shoyru, Khani the blue Uni, and Meeca the blue Meerca. They all walked past the shops, past the games, past everything until they came to the chatting area.

"We'll meet back at the toy shop in an hour," said Shoyrulan as her friends walked to the other rooms.

"We're meeting at the toy store so we can help her with her bags," Khani snickered to Meerca.

Shoyrulan walked into the role playing room where several Lupes were acting like Nimmos.

"I don't see any Shoyrus," shoyrulan whispered to herself, "I'll start my own Shoyru chat then."

Shoyrulan took her place to chat with other Shoyrus until the line moved her to the end. It had been an hour already. Shoyrulan finally gave up and walked to the toy store. She saw Khani and Meerca outside waiting for her. Meerca seemed happy Shoyrulan hadn't been there to shop, her hands couldn't carry much.

"How'd it go?" asked Khani.

"No Shoyrus," said Shoyrulan sadly, "all Lupes"

"Harsh," said Meerca.

"Any luck for you?" Shoyrulan asked to change the subject.

"Yeah," said Khani, "Tons of Unis in the ideas and suggestions room."

"They were all female" said Meerca rolling her eyes, "Lots of Meerca's though."

"That does it," said Shoyrulan, "I'm tired of being the only Shoyru"

"What can you do about that?" asked Meerca.

"I can go to Shoyru Valley," said Shoyrulan.

"What's that," asked Khani.

In all the time he had known Shoyrulan, he had never heard of Shoyru Valley. "Shoyru Valley is a Shoyru reserve," said Shoyrulan, "And first thing tomorrow I'm leaving for a vacation from Lupes"

"You need to pack first," said Meerca.

"I know," said Shoyrulan, "and Meerca, I still have 15 hours to pack."

"Khani, will you take care of Beaky for me?" asked Shoyrulan.

You don't know how badly Khani wanted to say no to taking care of the only Beakadoodle in town that woke its owner up at the first mornings light.

"Sure said Khani." Meerca almost split her sides laughing at Khani.

"Meerca?' asked Shoyrulan, "Will you keep my house clean while I'm gone?"

Khani now fell over and laughed at Meeca. "Put a sock in it" said Meerca, throwing a smelly sock at Khani.

"Sure," said Meerca, facing Shoyrulan.

"Thanks guys," said Shoyrulan, as she walked off to pack for adventure.

Shoyrulan awoke early in the morning with Khani and Meerca. She gave them a set of keys and slowly started her journey. "Take care," called Khani, his wild mane whipping in the wind.

"PARTY AT SHOYRULAN'S!!!" called Meerca jokingly.

"See ya soon," said Shoyrulan.

After a while of walking, Shoyrulan took off in flight. Shoyrulan flew until her wings ached. She decided to rest, the journey to Shoyru Valley was going to be a long, yet worthy one. Shoyrulan stopped at a small shop owned by a Blue Wocky, and a blue Zafara. She stayed and chatted with the two pets and their owner, until she was full of food and hope. Shoyrulan soon made it to mystery island.

It was the afternoon, so all she had left to do was cross the Saragos sea. Shoyrulan took off in flight over the endless blue, with scattered red, yellow, green, and the deep blue of Acaras and Peophins. Around 3:00 pm NST Shoyrulan came to a small island. Shoyrulan recognised the island as Destiny isle, a preserve for the natural habitats of all pets. Shoyrulan could not see the Shoyru preserve from the air, but it was hard to miss the Scorchio preserve, seeing as it was a massive volcano. Shoyrulan had to be careful of not landing in another pet preserve.

That could lead to arrest. Shoyrulan flew down by the shore of the large isle and landed gracefully. Shoyrulan grabbed a map of the island, just as a boat of pets came in. Most of the pets here, were young pets that missed their old ways of life, so their owners sent them here for a while. Shoyrulan walked through the jungle land on the outskirts of Kougra territory, and past the frozen lands of the Tuskaninny and Bruce. Shoyrulan walked to the very heart of the island before coming to the Shoyru preserve. In the first site of the preserve, Shoyrulan ran to the entrance. At the entrance were two rainbow Shoyru's standing guard. Shoyrulan walked up.

"Permission to enter?" she said excitedly.

"Name?" asked one of the Shoyrus

"Shoyrulan," stated the excited pet.

The second rainbow Shoyru typed in her name and looked at her stats.

"Permission granted" he said, "Welcome to Shoyru Valley."

Shoyrulan stepped through the gate into the massive valley, and saw hundreds of her kind in every which way. Shoyrulan ran to the lake excitedly. She saw Shoyru's of every color. Shoyrulan ran to the lake and saw a familiar face. "Shoyruguy!" she called the the blue Shoyru

"Hi Shoyrulan!!!" he said smiling back.

"Why aren't you tending to your shop?" asked Shoyrulan.

"I sold it to my friend Meercaman" he said, "Does that Uni still want the eyeball?"

"How long are you staying here?" asked Shoyrulan.

"Two more days" said Shoyruguy, "Then my owner needs me to fight."

"See you around," called Shoyrulan as she went to explore more.

Shoyrulan went to the orchards now. Many Shoyrus were picking fresh Ubikiberries to turn into Ubikiberry Elixer. Other Shoyrus were enjoying the day and flying high in the air. Shoyrulan took flight among the rainbow of other Shoyrus. Shoyrulan then spotted a Shoyru she'd seen in flight before, actually she'd seen this pet during an in flight movie. It was Puma.

"Hey, Puma," Shoyrulan called to the blue Shoyru

"What brings you here?" asked Puma.

"I'm on vacation," said Shoyrulan, "Why are you here?"

"I decided to fly the natural way, I'm much better at it," said Puma, smiling sweetly.

"Gotta fly, bye," said Puma, soaring over the clouds.

Shoyrulan walked around the preserve, seeing many Shoyrus bow down to her. It was almost dusk when Shoyrulan decided to rest in the valley. There were a few rocks to lay on. Shoyrulan chose a large rock that perched up high. Some Shoyrus were still flying through the dimly lit sky. Only darker colors were flying though. Shadowed Shoyrus were almost impossible to see, but the silver ones shone like the stars. Shoyrulan turned to her side. The rock she was facing seemed shadowed. Shoyrulan felt the presence of another Shoyru

"Hi," came a voice from the rock Shoyrulan had been staring at. Shoyrulan jumped in surprise.

"Uh...Hi," she said uneasily.

"Can't see me...well can you?" asked the voice. "Here," it said.

Suddenly the shadow seemed to move to Shoyrulan's rock. Shoyrulan could now see it was a Shadowed Shoyru she had seen.

"I'm Midnight Rider," said the male pet.

"I'm Shoyrulan," said Shoyrulan happily, "I didn't see you at all."

"We shadow pets are hard to see aren't we?" smiled Midnight Rider.

"Wanna play tomorrow?" asked Shoyrulan.

"Sure," said Midnight Rider, at least you can see me in the day time." Shoyrulan smiled, then turned over and dreamed of adventure yet to come.


Shoyrulan awoke early to see Midnight Rider staring at the light blue sky. His eyes reflected the pale white of the dimly lit moon, still hover in endless space above the valley. Midnight Rider then turned and smiled at Shoyrulan.

"Wanna go get breakfast?" he asked kindly.

"Sure," said Shoyrulan happily. Having another Shoyru for company was so wonderful.

Midnight Rider and Shoyrulan walked to the snack bar and ordered some exotic foods, such as Tigersquash and Donutfruit. After a few minutes, Shoyruguy and Puma walked into the small food area. "Puma, Shoyruguy," called Shoyrulan, signaling them to come.

"How's your vacation going?" asked Puma.

"Great," said Shoyrulan, "I haven't done much though."

"I hafta leave tomorrow," said Shoyruguy.

"We both hafta," said Puma, "Our owners put us on vacation, because they want us rested for an upcoming tournament."

"I'm here just to rest up," said Midnight Rider, "I got tired of so much commotion."

The four pets ate their fill and chatted for a while.

"Let's go have some fun now," said Shoyrulan.

The four pets walked down to a large lake.

"CANNON BALL," called Shoyruguy, diving from the air.

"Talk about a good quench attack," said Midnight Rider.

"I'm gonna fish," said Puma.

The pets all raced and played in the water for about an hour, and for Puma, it was an hour of not catching anything. When they all got tired of the water, the four went to the orchards. Shoyrulan and Puma flew all the time they were there. Midnight Rider and Shoyruguy picked all the apples they could for dinner. The pets played until dusk came.

"I hafta go back to the lake now," said Shoyruguy.

"Yeah, ditto" said Puma, "We blue Shoyrus don't like the cold night air all to much, it makes us to visible."

"OK, Bye then," said Shoyrulan, waving to her two friends.

"Have you ever been night flying before?" asked Midnight Rider, turning to Shoyrulan.

"Nope," said Shoyrulan, blushing from embarrassment.

"Here," said Midnight Rider, extending out his hand. Shoyrulan grabbed on and midnight Rider took off. When they were exhausted, they landed on the rocks.

"This must be wonderful for you, getting to come here," said Shoyrulan.

"I'm afraid," said Midnight Rider, "I may just end up never leaving."

"That would be great," said Shoyrulan.

"No," said Midnight Rider, "I'm serious, I may not ever leave again."

"What do you mean?" said Shoyrulan seriously.

"This valley sometimes chooses certain pets to stay forever," said Midnight Rider, "I'm one of them, unless a miracle happens."

"Couldn't you leave after a while?" asked Shoyrulan.

"No, it's forever," said Midnight Rider sadly

"I mean, it's not that this is a bad place, it's got everything Neopian has, but I would miss my friends, and my owner."

"You say this place has everything Neopia has?" said Shoyrulan, and how long before you have to stay forever?"

"This place has everything Neopia has," said Midnight Rider, "And I have until Midnight tonight."

Shoyrulan jumped to her feet and grabbed her map. "Hurry," she called, "There's no time to lose."

Without another word, Shoyrulan took off running. Midnight Rider followed close behind her. Shoyrulan ran to the announcers station.

"I need to make an announcement," said Shoyrulan, out of breathe.

"I'm sorry," said the rainbow secretary, "Only the announcer can make announcements."

Shoyrulan looked at her sternly, "Do you know who I am?" she asked.

"You are getting on my nerves." Shoyrulan closed her eyes and concentrated. Her body started to glow. The secretary ran in fright. Shoyrulan grabbed the microphone.

"Shoyrus of this valley," she said, "We all need your help. Run to the wishing well for further instructions from me, Shoyrulan."

Midnight Rider and Shoyrulan took off. A rainbow of Shoyrus were at the well when they arrived.

"Listen," said Shoyrulan hushing them all, "Everyone toss in a Neopoint and wish with us. Repeat this. I wish all Shoyrus would get to come home," say it now while there's still time. Some of us could be trapped in this land if you don't!"

Many Shoyrus still did not listen. Puma and Shoyruguy leapt up with Shoyrulan and Midnight Rider. "Listen to them," said Puma. More Shoyrus tossed in Neopoints.

"All of you now," said Shoyruguy. The sun was coming over the horizon now. "Everyone, chant now," said Shoyrulan.

The vast rainbow of Shoyrus all united into one celestial voice, all wishing for peace in this land they were in the wishing well started to glow. It blew everyone's Neopoints back out, and listed the wish that came true. All of the Shoyrus could go home when they please.

All of the Shoyrus cheered and celebrated Midnight Rider was over joyed. Shoyruguy was doing Lupe-de-Lupes Puma was jumping and shooting fireworks into the sky with her Sparkshooter. All the Shoyrus forgot their worries and took time to realize how much they had helped everyone. That morning, Puma, Shoyruguy, Shoyrulan, and Midnight Rider all met up for breakfast.

"That was so cool," said Shoyruguy, still recovering from the Sparkshooters blinding lights.

The four ate food for at least an hour. No one in the valley could stop talking about the wishing well ordeal. Shoyrulan and her friends were all leaving this day, so they decided to go get souvenirs. They all went to the Shoyru shack. Shoyruguy bought a white Shoyru plushie for himself and his brothers to play with. Puma bought some Shoyru eyeshadow for her and her sister. Midnight Rider bought a Shoyru sword, and Shoyrulan bought a video game called A Shoyru's World for her Neo 65 1/2.

By the afternoon, Puma left on the first boat. "I'll send you all Neomails when I get back," she called as the boat pulled away.

"And I'm gonna beat you in the ice arena," she called to Shoyruguy.

A half hour later, Shoyruguy's boat came. "I'll send you some Neogreetings after I destroy Puma," he laughed.

"When does your boat come?" Shoyrulan asked Midnight Rider.

"I'm flying back," smiled Midnight Rider.

The two Shoyrus walked out of the reserve and back onto Destiny Isle. Shoyrulan and Midnight Rider recapped about their adventure until they came to a split road.

"I go left, back to Neopia central," said Shoyrulan, pointing toward her destination.

"I go right, to the outskirts of Neopia," said Midnight Rider.

"I guess this is farewell then," said Shoyrulan.

"Yeah, guess so," said Midnight Rider.

The two pets walked on their paths. "No matter where the roads lead, they always cross," called Midnight Rider, slowing his pace, "We will meet again someday, and that' a promise."

"I'll remember that, so when we do meet again, I have no excuse to attack you," joked Shoyrulan.

The two pets bade a final fare well, and went on their ways. Shoyrulan walked slowly, then quickened her pace, as the thoughts of home flooded her mind.

Shoyrulan landed at her house at sunset. She ran to Khani's and knocked on the door. She heard a shrill cry of beaky. Khani ran to the door, with heavy bags under his eyes.

"Train that thing," he laughed.

"Let's go get Meerca," said Shoyrulan.

When Meerca opened her door she was dressed in a maids outfit.

"A new meaning to the term clean freak," laughed Khani.

"How was your visit?" asked Meerca blushing.

"Great," smiled Shoyrulan.

Shoyru then walked by and handed Shoyrulan two Neomails Shoyrulan read the one from Puma.

Dear Shoyrulan,

The fight with Shoyruguy was a tie, another tie! This tourney will never end=P



Shoyrulan laughed and read Shoyruguy's Neomail.

Dear Shoyrulan,

I beat Puma. I won the tournament too. Can you believe my luck?^_^



Shoyrulan gripped her sides as she rolled with laughter. When Khani, Meerca, and Shoyrulan were done laughing, they went to Shoyrulan house.

"Did you make any new friends at Shoyru Valley?" asked Meeca.

"I saw Shoyruguy and Puma," said Shoyrulan, "And I met a Shadowed Shoyru named Midnight Rider."

"Does Midnight Rider live in our town?" asked Khani.

"No," replied Shoyrulan, "Wanna go to the Wishing Well?"

"Sure," replied Khani and Meerca.

"I wish I was rich and famous," said Meerca.

"Dream on," said Khani, "I wish that Shoyrulan never makes me watch beaky again."

"I wish that I had many more friends," said Shoyrulan.

"Why do you wish that?" asked Meerca.

"Because," said Shoyrulan, "No matter where you are, or what you've done, you will always have friends, wherever you are."

The End