
The Editorial:

The Editorial section has changed. To make it more useful to everybody we have decided to take the most frequently asked questions we receive each week here so you can get a thorough answer straight away from one of the creators of NeoPets. Here are the most frequently asked questions NeoPets support received this week:

1 - How do I create my NeoPets webpage?
All NeoPets have a basic webpage as soon as you create them. The address is http://www.neopets.com/~yourpetsname/ . Exactly what this looks like depends on the species of your NeoPet. You can edit your NeoPet's webpage, move the pictures, change the text and personalise it as much as you like. To edit your NeoPet's page go to Pet Central and then click on the Pets Page link at the top.

2 - How do I see my NeoPets in my NeoHome? ?
You can't actually see your NeoPets inside their NeoHomes, but you can design what wallpaper, carpet, furniture etc.. is inside. To see the inside of your NeoHome, go to 'Pet Central' and click on the NeoHome link.

3 - Where can I see the old issues of the Neopian Times?
You can read all the back issues, right up to the very first issue. We have saved the first 50 as Volume 1 and issues 50-100 will be in volume 2. If you wish to read the back issues, go to the Neopian Times page and click on Volume 1 or Volume 2.

4 - I have collected all 9 pieces of the same treasure map what do I do?
To claim your prize you need to go to the Game Room. Click on 'Games' in the yellow sidebar and then type 'Treasure' in the search box. Click on the Treasure Hunt link and you will go to the main Treasure Hunt page. Click on the type of map you have the pieces of and it will show all 9 pieces put together and give you your prize!

5 - What size should I make my pictures for the art gallery?
Ideally we would like your pictures to be 300 pixels (10cms) squared. They can be a little wider, but if you make them any taller we have to resize your image and it may not look as good. If they are created using a computer program, please save the file as a gif, jpg or bmp.

6 - My NeoPet isn't born yet, what do I do?
This means you didn't finish creating it. Go back to 'Create a Pet' (its at the top of the yellow sidebar) and your NeoPet will be waiting for you.

7 - Can you change your NeoPets username?
No, I am afraid once an account is created, that is what it will be known as. If you really don't like your username you can create another account with a better name.

8 - How do I get my story in the Neopian Times?
If you want your story to appear on the Neopian Times, simply send your story to NeopianTimes@neopets.com along with your username. Try to make your story/article interesting and original, the best submissions will be posted in the Neopian Times each Friday.

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here e-mail it to editor@neopets.com. The most common ones will be shown here next week.