
Tropical Fruit of Neopia

by paco_girl

If you are ever traveling the land of Neopia and you happen to stop by Mystery Island, you should stop in at the Tropical Fruit store and buy your NeoPet(s) a nice, juicy piece of fruit for being so loyal and trustworthy. Here is a guide to some of the tropical fruits of Neopia:

VeinCabbage - A very healthy vegetable to get the ol' blood pumping. It's like nothing else!

Donutfruit - This sweet fruit looks and tastes like donuts!

Phear Phears - Pears that are grown mixed with seeds from snowberry plants. The resulting combination is a pear that stays icy cold forever.

FruitMallow - A sweet natural treat that is found in the mallow jungles.

Purplum - The purplum is filled with liquid sugar and will make anyone who eats it jump for joy!

Kabuggles - Weird fruits found in the outer reaches of the rain forests.

Sourmelon - Get ready to pucker up! This sour treat will have you begging for more.

Pinanna - These fruit-roots are a great addition to any salad.

Tigersquash - Tigersquash is the only fruit in all of Neopian that will give you the ability to roar as loud as a Tiger.

Purple Juppie - Juppies are usually sweet but this purple treat is very very sour, nevertheless delicious.

Cocoa Juppie - Mmmm, how tasty. A chocolate fruit like no other. You will love to eat one after another after another after another after another.

Teal Juppie - Although the Teal Juppie is good for you it is not all that tasty. Some love it but most hate the flavour.

Red Juppie - This delicious Juppie can be fried and made into crispy Juppie chips.

Golden Juppie - This golden snack makes anyone who eats it refreshed and happy.

Strong Berry - You will be one of the strongest beings in Neopia for about 30 minutes once you bite into this delicious fruit.

Spironut - When taken in large quantities, this nut has the ability to cheer the most miserable pet.

Fungi Fruit - This fruit grows underwater and is filled with a jelly like substance that makes hair shiny and beautiful.

Wartroot - Ewwwwww, you aren't really going to eat this are you? Inside is a thick, bitter-tasting lumpy custard.

RainbowBerry - Local folklore says that this fruit was sent down to brighten Neopian with its happiness in its brightest hour...

Red Sardplant - A sard plant has a boring, salty taste, and is usually given to young NeoPets to teach them a lesson for doing something wrong.

Scabu - A succulent fruit. The tastiness is quite addictive.

ErgyFruit - A great source of energy for those horrendous hikes through the jungle.

Pango Chute - These starchy treats are great. Don't eat them raw, they must be boiled first for best results.

BluePepper - The perfect addition to any recipe. The locals use it to preserve food.

Combomelon Plant - You can move the parts of the Combomelon to make funny shapes.

Kraku Berries - These delicious treats are from the Kraku bushes that line the beaches of Mysterious island.

Chokato - This tasty veggie mixed with chocolate and tomato is great for a snack.

I'm not totally sure but there are probably more tropical fruits that I've never even seen. This guide can come in handy if you are doing the crossword. If you are looking into buying a tropical fruit, veggie or nut, the prices range from about 15 NP to 12,000 NP. They may be expensive, but it is worth it to have a happy, content and rewarded pet. So next time you buy a fruit, take a close look at it and discover the inner beauty because these tropical wonders are truly amazing!