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An Aisha’s Adventure: Part Two

by Strata_skywolf_200

Click here to see how this story started!

Twilight’s Path...

Twilight went to the Defense Magic Shop first, but before she got there she saw a strange looking Aisha.

“Hey you! Yes, you there! What are you doing?” Twilight yelled.

She was yelling at a Shadow Aisha. “Me? Little old me? Well… My name's Secret, kid. Now before you get into any trouble I suggest you scram,” he said, in a low tone of voice.

“But what are you doing?” Twilight wanted an answer still.

“I’m stealing a secret formula from Kauvara… so stop bugging me kid!” he said, madly.

She knew she had to do something! Just not what. So she ran into the Magic Shop and said, “Kauvara, Secret is going to steal your secret formula!”

Someone dialed the Neopian police. They soon showed up and took Secret to the Neopian Not-So-Nice-Neopets Jail. Kauvara gave Twilight a Magic Key and said, “This will help you when you don’t know it. It will unlock a special door. So don’t loose it my dear!” Twilight nodded and continued to collect the items she needed.

The Last Meet...

“Well! We’ll see you around!” said Trust.

“We’ll come and visit sooner or later,” said Dream, winking at Trust. They all smiled and went separate directions. Trust and Twilight to the camping grounds, and Dream and Spotty to Faerieland.


Dream and Spotty’s Awkward Adventure...

“I think we’re lost,” Spotty mumbled.

“No we’re not. As long as we’re in the clouds we’re in Faerieland,” Dream responded, “now all we need to do if find a flying paintbrush.”

“You’re searching for a flying paintbrush?” ask a nearby split Aisha. “If you are, you’re looking for me!” he said proud-like.

“What’s your name?” asked Dream.

“It’s Utilas, and I think I’ve got what you’re looking for, but I can only give it to you if you have ‘it’,” The Split Aisha Replied.

“What’s ‘it’?” asked Spotty.

“Come closer,” said Utilas, “and I will answer that question.”

They stepped forward. “The ‘it’ is a special thing. The ‘it’ is the only thing that’d please me. The ‘it’ is… a Dark Faerie,” Utilas answered.

“I have one of those,” Dream said. She took it out. “May I see the Paintbrush?” Dream asked.

“MWHAHAHA!” Utilas shouted, grabbing the Dark Faerie. He opened the container and said, “Fly away my friend!”

The Faerie flew away into a cloud. Utilas fainted about 10 seconds after that. The clouds grew dark. They turned into the darkest shade of black ever known. This shade chilled the Aisha’s bones. Suddenly, they were surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Dark Faeries.

The Dark Faerie’s Spell...

The Dark Faeries all spoke together, “We are the evil spell keepers of Neopia! We put a spell on Utilas. And we shall do the same to you if you do not do as we say!”

“Wha-wha-wha-what D-d-d-d-do Y-y-y-you Wa-wa-want U-u-us T-t-to D-d-do?” Spotty Sputtered.

Utilas suddenly got up and creepily walked toward Dream. He grabbed them! And yanked them onto the floor! He knelt down, like a knight, and whispered to Dream, “I’ve over come the spell, but I cannot do this for long. Please leave! We’ll meet again if I can save myself from this horror.”

“But how do we leave?” Dream asked.

“Quickly, do you have any light abilities?” Utilas asked.

“Yes, only one. Spark,” she answered.

“Use your Spark, fast now! It’ll create a hole in this darkness it will lead you out of here. Now hurry! I’m starting to lose control!” he said quickly. They both used Spark as fast as they could. They ended up on a cloud. But this was no ordinary cloud...

Back at Camp...

“I miss the guys,” said Twilight, “I wish they were here to camp too!” Twilight toasted a marshmallow unhappily on the camp fire.

“They’ll be okay. They’re probably having more fun than us! Want to play a quick game of… Starlight-Dreams?” Trust asked.

“No, it’s no fun without Dreams here. She always would know what to say, I really wish they were here!”

“Me too… I hope they’re doing all right,” Trust whispered to himself.

On the Cloud of the Faerie Queen...

When Spotty and Dream looked up they say a Beautiful White and Glittering Palace. They almost knew something wonderful was inside. They stepped up to the gate, where some faeries were. These faeries were special, because they protected the Queen Faerie, so no Dark Faerie could come in.

“May we come in?” asked Dream in a mystical voice.

“Yes, the Queen has been expecting you,” The Faerie said.

“The Queen Faerie is in THERE?” Spotty asked with a BUNCH of surprise in his voice.

“Yes, now come along. Mustn’t keep the Queen waiting you know,” An Air Faerie said with delight.

“Not many Neopets get requested to come in there. I sure hope it’s for a good reason. Last time we accidentally sent minions of the Dark Faeries in.. Stupid us,” said an Earth Faerie, who touched a dying rose and made it as beautiful as it was when it was in bloom.

“We didn’t send them in, you did,” said a Water Faerie happily splashing around in the water.

“Actually I thought that you did, Water Faerie, But I might be mistaken,” said the Light Faerie, while she was making sure the palace was all bright and cheerful...

Inside The Faerie Queen Palace...

Once they finally reached the door to the Faerie Queen’s room, they were frightened. Not of her. But of what might happen. For all they knew the Faerie Queen might Banish them from Neopia because of thinking they were Dark Faerie Minions... Who knows?

They stepped in and asked, “Queen Faerie, do you know where we could find a Faerie Paintbrush for our sister, Twilight?”

“Yes, in fact I have one right here, If you run an errand I’ll give it to you,” the Queen said, somewhat in a cheerful tone.

“What is the errand?” Spotty asked.

“First, I’d like you to deliver this to you’re friend, you know Utilas?” the Queen said.

“Yes we know him,” Dream said, with some delight.

“Okay then, return to get your Faerie Paintbrush,” she said, handing them a little package.

“Here’s where Utilas should be now,” she said pointing to a spot on the map.

“Okay, we’ll get going!” They both shouted and walked out.

To be continued...