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Care of Koi

I decided to make information on handling Koi more available to all.

by sailorptah

Tracking the Chomby

Hello, and welcome to the first and hopefully not the last episode of Auro_San Goes In-depth About NeoPets.

by auro_san

Consumer Reports "For the Curious Buyer"

Every week, it will be more and more like the REAL Consumer Reports, watch out, here we come!

by smile87

How to Be a Non-Evil* Shopkeeper

I've seen enough people complain about food prices! And because maybe by doing this, I can help others decide they want to be a Non-Evil* Shopkeeper too!

by the Greasey employees; greasemonk78, lilchris_2000, bug-boy, Silvertab9, and Kashied

Top Fourteen Ways to Tell You've Been on NeoPets Too Much

You suggest going to Mystery Island for a family vacation...

by Mooingchicken

The Faerie Queen: A Traitor? The Truth Behind the Tyrannian Invasion!

As the war raged on in Neopia many speculations came about between many Neopians...

by RoMaNGeMiNi and his pets Celestialian, DrieRayne and Jelophius

Cheap Now - Future Fad?

Will you know what the next hit thing to appear in Neopia will be?

by holy_light

Guilds - Are You Confused About Them?

Some people feel like a guild is an extension of their family.

by Zafinonuta

Meerca Chase: Is it All That it Seems?

Who is the poor Meerca who has been enslaved for the rest of its life just for the pleasure of us Neopians?

by pina_colada_babe

The Price of Being a Millionaire

Who wants to have a million NP? Almost anyone, right?

by tahara69

Where IS the Missing Link?

We all have heard of the Missing Link, or at least MOST of us have.

by Foxygal129

What Makes a Good NeoHome?

NeoHomes have become a very popular aspect of NeoPets, and so I think it's necessary for people to know what to do or not do.

by chaval, with help from Kapili the purple Poogle

Neopoint-making SHOP Business

I recently got in a huge fight with a friend of mine because I noticed her shop items were WAY too expensive.

by bluestar923

Top Shop Tips

Do not go buying things to waste your NP. I did that and I went SO bankrupt!

by taichi_kamiya80

The Ski Lodge: Home of Deaths, Riddles, and Mr. Insane - In Other Words, the True Intellectual's Playground

Well, if you're like me, the current greatest game in NP is the Ski Lodge Murder Mystery.

by rrbrick

Stocking Up: Why It Will Soon Be Profitable To YOU!

Yes, you may look at this title & think, "What does that mean? 'Stocking Up', as in for a storm? NO!

by PurpleMoon16


We are talking about these shiny neat things to show off to other people.

by cozmyc

Tryannian Tribes

They welcome newcomers, but it is suggested to not underestimate them because they will rid themselves of troubles when necessary...

by tensei

Proudly Brandishing the Wooden Spoon

I know you've read all sorts of articles pertaining to the popularity, or should I say, unpopularity of certain NeoPets.

by Nocturnus the Lenny, with help from owner Cyaneus

The Neo-Market Report

Visiting Neil and Maria this week will be Wilton the Woodlands Wocky, spokesperson for the Wocky Wildlife Cooperative (WWC)...

by stereolab