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The Ski Lodge: Home of Deaths, Riddles, and Mr. Insane - In Other Words, the True Intellectual's Playground

by rrbrick

Well, if you're like me, the current greatest game in NP is the Ski Lodge Murder Mystery. So many interesting people, and it's soooo intellectually stimulating! Yeah. Well, as a Ski Lodge enthusiast, I would like to point out some patterns I've noticed.

Pattern #1: The Woman-Hater Pattern
From Black Widow to Sweets, the Ski Lodge Killer took down nine women, sparing only The Beader and the now-dead Rhiannon. I don't see much of a reason, because the only person who allegedly disliked women was Mr. Insane, and he's dead, unfortunately. I don't understand now, but all will be revealed next week, when the whole thing ends.

Pattern #2: The Witness Pattern
Did you notice that for a long string of murders recently, whoever sees the death first dies? Mr. Insane, Rhiannon, Mr. Black, Wolverine... So many have died like that. Today (Monday, Mr. Black's death) both The Big Spender and Mr. Shankly saw the death. Interesting.

Pattern #3: The G'Bye, Sherlock Pattern
Cupcake. Lazarus. Tiger Catcher. Three intellectuals (Although TC was sort of ignorant for continuing his research when the murderer said that all who tried would die) who tried to figure out the truth. Cupcake with her intellect (That's all that was said), Lazarus by investigating the murder weapons and other items, and T.C. by handwriting research. No matter what, they met their fates. Nobody else is trying. Smart of them.

My Predictions:
The Last Surviving Lodger will be... Maverick. Now THIS guy knows what he's doing. He doesn't talk much, and he keeps away from others. Maverick knows how to stay alive, all right.

The Murderer is... Mister Shankly. Though it seems a bit obvious, one of the main facts that got to me was the book on Mister Pickles' reading list. "Severed Devils: The Truth Behind the Split of Mister Shankly and the Handsome Devils". Most people would assume it's because Pickles is a Handsome Devils fan. But, the way I see it, maybe, just maybe, there was something bad in that book. Some nasty little secret. Hmm.

If Shankly dies on Thursday, the murderer is most likely The Big Spender. He's money-crazed, and he might've killed some of these Lodgers after they won bets against him, like Snot and J. Boogie.

I'm rrbrick, saying good night and keep searching, because the truth is out there.