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by cozmyc

We are talking about these shiny neat things to show off to other people. How could you get a cool trophy for yourself.... Don't you just love to have trophies? These nice and shiny things to show off other players. Actually there are many ways to get one of these. Here I tell you some ways to get one yourself. Maybe you can get two or three....

1. The easiest way for me is by playing the Go! Go! Go! game. You can play as many times as you need to pass the level by beating all the opponents and even if you lose - next time you can keep playing from the highest level you have achieved. Even if you don't beat all the opponents, you still get afew hundred Neopoints to put straight into your bank. If you pass two or three (I'm not very sure, but I think it was two) levels you'll receive a bronze trophy. If you keep on playing on another time you'll have to pass two more levels for your trophy to become a silver one and for next two levels you'll get a gold one... I think, because I haven't got the gold one yet.

2. Another simple way is to try out the Lenny Conundrum and Mystery Picture contests. The most important thing on these games is timing. If you are online at the right time, then you have big chances to win because the first 250 correct answers get paintbrushes or whatever they're giving away.

3. Some ways to get a trophy are also the Storytelling Competition, Poetry Contest and Art Gallery (all located in the Deep Catacombs). I have submitted many times but none of them have been chosen :( To win at these and receive trophies you must be very creative and pretty lucky (since there are over 10 million users now). For drawings you must be a good artist or at least pretend to be.

4. The hardest way to get trophies is with any other games (except for some games like Poogle Solitaire and some others, but these games don't have a hi-score tables also, so you can check it out). But this is kinda hard because many players are experts on some specific games, making it difficult for you to to get a higher score.

5. You could have also gotten a medal, which is pretty much the same as a trophy, from helping the Tyrannian Army defeat the invaders. You also got 10,000 NP from participating in it. So watch out for the next invasion and try your best at defeating them, or at least participate.

Try your best at these and maybe you'll get a trophy for yourself. I think trophies are things to be very proud of. I've even got some Neomails telling me "Way to GO!" and I only have one bronze and a silver one, plus a medal... I've seen seen people with over 8 trophies!!!! Also, I have Neomailed people with a lot of trophies and asked for tips on how to get some more. Well, I've gotten many tips on how to get trophies by asking other Neopians. Hint hint.