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The Adventures of Bathys and Bruce: Part Two

by aokman

Click here to see how this story started!

The Terrible Twisty Tunnels

TikiTack Street
Mystery Island

Bathys and Bruce chased the five Pant Devils down the street. The Devils rounded a corner, and SCREEECH! A car came flying out of the corner. Bathys and Bruce rounded the corner, and saw a six-car pileup. They ran around the cars, and saw an open manhole.

"They went into the sewer!" said Bruce.

"Do we have to go down there? I'm scared!"

"I'm afraid so, if we want to catch them."

"Oh-K." *SIGH*

Both of them jumped down the hole. Hold it, this wasn't a sewer; it was a slide! Instead of water, there was an incredibly long tunnel going down. They slid down what felt like forever, then- THUMP! The tunnel ended. They were in a magma-filled chamber with a small path leading to a water-filled pipe. In the other direction, the path led to a small cave.

"Which way should we go?"

" I don't know, you decide!"

"Fine. That way."

They followed the path to the cave. Soon enough, as the followed it, they heard bickering.

"Nooo… Haunteddd Woodddsss iss that waaayy, you kkllutz!"

"Whhatt are yyyouu talllkinggg about? It's tthhaatt way!"

"Bbooth off yoooou are wwrrong, it's thhhat waaayy, you idddiooottts!"

They followed the voices until they were in a tunnel with three branches.

"Which way now?" asked Bathys.

"Middle. The sounds are coming from there." Bruce replied.

Twisty Tunnels
Near Faerie Cave Entrance

"I sssaaay itttt'sss tthhat wwaaay!"

"Nooooo, ittsss that wwaaay!"

"Llleett'ss stoppp thhhee bickkkerinnng fffoor now. Whhhat Iff they caattch us? Iiii ssaay wweee pplllant aaa bbbomb."

Pant Devil 40192 floated over behind them and planted a bomb in a small nook. He took out a match and lit the fuse.

"Nnoowww, ggooo!"

All of them floated away very quickly.

Twisty Tunnels
Near Thieves' District Entrance

Bathys and Bruce walked on. After about the 1000th turn, they stopped to take a rest.

"I'm pooped."

"Me too."

They were walking along when they smelt something burning.

"What's that?" asked Bathys.

"I don't know. Let's just keep going."

Suddenly- BOOOOM! A shower of rock and dirt filled the cave.

"What the heck is this?!" Bruce cried.

"I don't know!" replied Bathys.

Bathys and Bruce ran all through the tunnels until they saw a purple cavern.

"Quick! Go through here! The cave is collapsing!"

They got through just in time. It took another five hours to get through the purple cave. To pass the time, they sang songs. When they emerged from the cave, they saw a giant cloud with many buildings on it.



VirtuPets Space Station
Docking Bay 97

"Wwwwhhhhaatt iisss thhhiiis pppllace?" Pant Devil 49552 asked.

"Ssstuuppid tttrrannnsporter," Pant Devil 23576 mumbled.

To be continued...