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A Cure For a Bad Case of Frostbite: Part Two

by dannylam4

Click here to see how this story started!

“Look, there’s a note,” I said. I reached down and pulled out the note. It was crumpled up. I smoothed it out and started to read out loud for everyone to hear what the note said. The note was from Danny. It read:

Dear Dragowing4, Devilshou, Devildog5, and Simplythebestever,

If I am still alive and well, please forget you ever saw this note or these bright lights. If I am seriously injured or a goner (hopefully not), please continue reading. Under this floorboard is a number of weapons I got from the battle magic shop, other people’s stores, the magic shop or wherever. These are the most powerful types of Battle Items. I have here Faeries for everyone of you. Some of the Faeries will not work because your level is not high enough. I have here a list of all the abilities and the levels at which you can use them. Simplythebestever, you can do Magic Torch, Spark, Night Vision, Magic Pebbles, Smoke Screen, and Heal. Dragowings4, you can do all the ones Simplythebestever can, Bubble Shield, Nighttime, Tough Skin, Fiery Roar, and Flash. Devildog5, you can use all the abilities as Dragowing4 and Simplythebestever, Air Shield, Magic Berries, Bubble Shield, and Water Jet. Devilshou, you can do every single ability since you have gone over level 24. I have left with you all the Faeries that you need to get the abilities you can have. I have also left some Battle Weapons. I have 12 Bronze Dragon Stone, 8 Radioactive Snow, 4 Ancient Manchu Bow, 4 Bags of Infinite Neggs, 4 Wands Of The Fire Faeries, 4 Wands Of The Earth Faeries, 4 Wands Of The Air Faeries, 4 Wands Of The Water Faeries, 4 Wands Of The Dark Faeries, 4 Wands Of the Light Faeries, 4 Staffs of Supernova, and 2 spinning Neggs to eat so the 2 youngest that can’t learn Air Shield can. You must eat the Spinning Neggs now. I also have 20 Happiness Neggs in case you all become upset about something and if there is an emergency, the Neggs will magically have a message in them. Split the items evenly among each other. You must always remember that you can only have a number of 8 Battledome items but if this is a real emergency, get as many weapons as you can but avoid the Police and always remember, you are all part of a Team, a Family. Always be friends and take good care of each other. If you need help, you can always contact the Faerie Queen, she owes me for helping her on a quest and I asked for no reward. She gave me a spell to allow me to contact her, The Faerie Queen Portrait. Good-bye.

Love always,

Danny Lam

I looked up from the note. Everyone was staring at me. We all knew that we had to help find an antidote for Danny.

“Okay, you guys all release your Faeries and divide the battle items but remember, you can only have a limited amount of Faeries. I’ll go and grab The Faerie Queen Portrait to contact the Queen Faerie to go and see what the antidote is,” I said. I lifted a box from the floor. It was locked tight. We tried blasting it but it must have been a magic box that required a magic key.

“Where are we supposed to get the Magic Key?” Devildog5 said.

“Go check the note again. Are you sure you didn’t read over it?” Dragowings4 said. I ran over to the note and read it over, looking for the word Magic Key. There was nothing there. I looked back at the box. Then I looked down at the hole that I dug. Light was still shooting out of it but I removed the box with the Faeries and Battle Items in it. I jumped in the hole again and started to dig deeper. I kept digging and digging. I dug really deep then I had hit something really hard. I dug around and around it until…. Yes! I found the Magic Key. I lifted it up and then ran towards the box. I inserted the key and then bingo! The top of the box opened up. I emptied the box and put everything on the floor gently. Then I found the Portrait. I found another note attached to the Portrait. It told me how to set up and call the Faerie Queen.

“Hey you guys, do you see any candles over there?” I said.

“Yeah. Here catch,” Simplythebestever said. He threw all of the candles into the air and I caught it. I hung the Portrait on the wall and then placed the candle in a circle on the floor. I read the rest of the instructions. It said that I need the ability of Magic Torch and Mote Dance. I already knew Magic Torch but I needed 1 more Light Faerie to learn Mote Dance. I walked over to my pile of Faeries and Battle Items. I opened every single Faerie I had. It happened in a split second. The Faeries flew out of the jar, blessed me, and allowed me to learn all of the abilities I could. Then I went back to Portrait and stood in the circle of candles. I used Magic Torch and then all the candles lit magically. Then I used Mote Dance and the Motes surrounded all of the candles. Then there was a flash of light. Followed by a gust of wind that blew away the flames on the candle. The only source of light was the Portrait frame. Everyone ran over to see what was happening. The Faerie Queen came to life! The picture turned 3D and started to move. Then the Faerie Queen stood up inside the picture and then she stuck her leg out of the picture. She climbed out of the picture and jumped onto the floor.

“Who has called upon the Faerie Queen?” she said.

“I-I did, o’ g-great queen,” I said.

“Why have you called me? Only the ones I have chosen can call upon me.”

“Oh yes, we all know that but my master Dannylam4….”

“Dannylam4? Why are you contacting me instead of him?”

“Oh yes, that is what I wanted to talk to you about. It’s a long story…”

“Then make it short, I haven’t much time to spend.”

“Yes, as you please. You see, we were traveling towards the Snowager and then he woke up and attacked us but Danny protected us by pushing us away and got cut up but then he healed himself by grabbing a Slime Potion from the Pile Of Treasure and then he grabbed another thing to attack the Snowager but the Snowager got to him first. Well then, the Snowager shot some sort of a wind and froze him solid and we have to find a cure for him. Will you please help us find a cure?”

“Hmmm… well, this is a difficult task, indeed, and the most peculiar case ever. Well, the only cure that I can think of is by gathering 15 items and then bringing it to The Magical Cooking Pot. Here are the items: a firesword, bottle of water, a PetPet called Short Fuse, a PetPet called Ultra Mega Bot 2000, Bottle of Pressured Water, a Water Faerie, all 3 motes, Kauvara's Potion, a Frost Bow, Bottle of Green Sand, Coral Orb, Fire Snow, and a Ice Cave Crystal. These items come from far away. You may not get any help from anyone. I have to go now. I think I should take Danny back with me to the palace so he will be safe. Good luck on your quest. If you need me, you may contact me again with this,” she said and handed me a Dark Scroll and the list of items that we needed.

“Thank you. We are all very grateful! Please take care of Danny for us!” Simplythebestever said.

The Faerie Queen jumped back into the Portrait and then disappeared. I ran to my pile of Battle Items and placed the body armor on my body. I put my bow and arrows on my back and placed all the items on my armors. I got back up. Then I packed up some broken toys and trash items so I could turn it to food. I looked back at the picture of us all. When I was a little baby with him, when we first got the NeoHome, and how happy we were when we all got our first PetPets. I went up to the attic where the PetPets slept. We had 2 Tyrannian PetPets and 2 Spooky PetPets, a Stego, an Airax, a Bearog, and a Psimouse. The Psimouse and Bearog are psychic and the Stego and Airax are flyers. I woke them up and told them to come. They knew what I said but they don’t respond in normal English, only their PetPet language. They followed me downstairs.

“What do we do with them?” I said to the others.

“We should leave them with Jenny,” Dragowings4 said. He stood up and then called his Airax over. Airax flew over and landed on his arm. Dragowings4 stroke his neck and then fed him a PetPet pellet. Airax ate it in one bite.

“Okay, then lets go. We’ve wasted enough time. I will call Jenny and tell her to come over,” I said. I went over to the phone and dialed her store number.

“Hello, who is this? It’s very late you know,” Jenny said.

“Oh thank goodness you’re still there. We found a cure but it will take a while to find all the needed items,” I said.

“Oh well, that’s good. Why have you called me at this time of night?”

“Well, you see, we have PetPets and I wanted to know if you could take care of them for us. You can come over and sleep here too.”

“Well, okay. My pets would love to see your PetPets I’ll come over right away.”

“Okay. I will leave you the password so you can come in. We have to get going and find those items. My Chia Robot will clean around the house and take care of your pets but he can’t take care of the PetPets because they keep attacking it. I have food in the fridge and you can sleep in Danny’s bed. Good-bye.” I told her the pass and then hung up. I grabbed my bags and said good-bye to my PetPet. Then we all left to go and find the 15 items.

To be continued...