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Neopian Wars: Reign of Sloth

by Jasmerrin

A long, long time ago, on a planet far far away....

"Sir, tests prove positive. Transmogrification Ray tested on a Kacheek. Mutations begin almost immediately. We will soon dispatch the Space Station into orbit."

Two gleaming red eyes stared at the communications device in front of him.


Dr. Frank Sloth traveled through the Neopian Galaxy, and seen many creatures of many worlds. The most amazing ones had to be the NeoPets, he thought to himself, as he took his Transmogrification Ray Gun in his hand and traveled through his private lab. He looked at all the pets in cages and grinned evilly. Soon they will all be mine. They will all be my humble servants. He grinned evilly. Yes, they will all be his, for his Transmogrification Ray transformed any little pet into a giant evil lug who followed Dr. Sloth’s every command.

"Sir. A nearby planet has been found. Our sensors detect life similar to the Neopians."

Dr. Sloth gasped. "WHAT?!? I must have the inhabitants. Let's make a little pit stop." He laughed evilly.

On the planet of Grundox, the Grundos were helping each other to build a game which they called "Gormball", when out of the sky came a great ship. The Grundos stared in curiosity, when all of a sudden... ZAP! ZOW! ZING! ZAP! The ship started firing blasts of yellow. It hit a Grundo. His arms grew and became more muscular. His legs lengthened. His brain became dim. He was a slave of Dr. F. Sloth. The beam started to hit everywhere. Once Dr. Sloth had hit 21,000 Grundos, he stopped. I have enough slaves now, he thought to himself. I shouldn’t waste my batteries on the rest of these. But word of this cannot get out. I must take the rest of these pathetic life forms with me. I shall lock them up, so no one will know they were ever here.

What Dr. Sloth did not know was that he was being watched by the Space Faerie.

"Oh no! I must warn the Neopians!" She said as she rushed toward Neopia. All of a sudden she stopped.

"Oh no! I’m paralyzed! That means that some NeoPets are in trouble! Can the Grundos be some sort of NeoPet? In that case, my powers are extremely limited! I must tell someone!"

That day, the island mystic received a faded image of the Space Faerie. She told him that unless the Grundos are freed, she will not be able to save NeoPets from turning into giant monster slaves. Hurriedly, he told all the Neopians. Soon a ship storing thousands and thousands of Neopian owners came to adopt the new pet, Grundo.

"Sir. Space Station locked into position. Ready to fire the Transmogrification Ray."


The ship of Neopians hurried towards the Space Station at top speed. Masked by a cloaking device, Sloth’s radar could not pick them up. They landed on top of the ship and hurried towards the prison chamber...

"Countdown beginning... 10... 9..."

6 miles away the Space Faerie watched helplessly...


On board the thousands of Neopians flooded into the chamber to adopt their new Grundos.


Then, the Space Faerie could move! She rushed toward the ray.


She couldn’t destroy it. There wasn’t enough time!


The Space Faerie rushed in front of the beam just as it fired. The impact was incredible! Her wings began to turn green and swell up. Her arms shortened. Her legs grew. Her brain began to dim.

No. It can’t end this way. This can’t be the end... Then, power from inside and outside the Space Station began to gather. It was the energy force from all the pets in Neopia. The Space Faerie’s wings turned blue and stopped swelling. Her arms and legs returned to normal size. Her brain came back. She opened her eyes...

BOOM!!!!! The beam shot back at the control system and blew it off the ship, sending Dr. Sloth with it.

And Neopia has been peaceful ever since. But who knows when you might run into a mutated Grundo sometime....

The End