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Amber Shoyru, Superstar!: Part One

by sugarstarlet

Bobette danced down the hall of West Hills School. It was lunch time, when best friends Amber Shoyru, Bobette Chia and Lisa Aisha could spill the daily gossip and have fun.

"I wish I could dance like you, Amber. What do you have that I don't?" Bobette asked while spinning and bumping into students.

"How about LEGS?" joked Lisa the Aisha, Amber's other best friend.

Bobette stuck her tongue out at Lisa. Although Lisa and Bobette are Amber's best friends, they didn't always get along.

Lisa was from a rich family. Lisa was sometimes spoiled and didn't take no for an answer. But Lisa was a good friend who always gave good advice and was very smart. Bobette, is almost total opposite. Bobette is very silly and very clumsy. Bobette always knows how to make the best of every situation.

"You Shoyrus are lucky," said Bobette as they sat at their usual lunch table.

Before they could continue their conversation, Justin Gelert, President of West Hills Student Council walked up to their table holding brightly colored papers.

"Hey Justin," said Amber.

"Hi girls," Justin answered. Bobette started smiling and little hearts seemed to appear around her head.

"How are you today? Isn't the weather beautiful out? I think so but...."

Lisa rolled her eyes and interrupted her.

"What's the paper for?" asked Lisa.

"I'm gonna tell you now. In a few weeks, West Hills will be having their first annual talent show. If you have a talent you would like to share, then sign up and bring sheets to the gym after school. We need them ASAP because starting Monday we will hold auditions in the next two weeks. Following the two weeks of auditions, the show will take place. Here's some sheets, think about this, its gonna be fun."

Justin handed them each a colored sign up sheet.

"Thanks Justin," said Amber, reading the paper and put it in her binder.

"Yes, good-bye Justin. I'll be sure to sign up, If you are there, ah, I mean..."

Justin tried to hide his laughter. "OK, see you around..."

*At Bobette's House*

Amber, Lisa and Bobette were working on a group assignment for English. As Amber opened her binder, the talent show sign up sheet flew out.

"Hey, I almost completely forgot about the talent show. Is anyone gonna audition?" asked Lisa.

"If I could dance, I would dance....I would float around the room so gracefully and Justin would be there and he would be so impressed..." Bobette rambled on.

"Am, you can dance, why don't you audition?" Lisa exclaimed.

"Oh, I don't know...I wouldn't possibly win..."

Bobette woke up from her daydream. "Yeah, Amber you have to go! You're so good, of course you would win!!!" Bobette said with excitement!

"Please Amber, don't be shy, this is a perfect opportunity to break away from your shy self and show West Hills you can do it!" Amber paused for a moment. She was very shy. She would like to prove to West Hills she was talented.

"OK, I'll do it," said Amber. Bobette and Lisa cheered as Amber filled out the form and put it in her bag.

"Calm down guys, now its time for work," Amber said, but couldn't hide her excitement as well.

*The Next Day...After School*

Amber opened the door to her school gymnasium. Inside were many species, from Skeiths to Kacheeks. Amber was on her own. Lisa had cousins in town and had to hurry home, and Bobette didn't want to miss her favorite talk show that was on once a week. Amber had to learn to be independent, Bobby and Lisa wouldn't always be there with her. Slightly intimidated, Amber slowly walked into the gym. She felt a little more relieved when she saw Justin's familiar face.

"Wow, Amber, you're here. I'm surprised. Happy to see you signed up." Justin grinned.

"I'm just as surprised as you are." Amber laughed. "Bobby and Lisa made me."

"Well, take your form and put it in that pile, but you need to sign that sheet with your name and talent."

Justin took her form and pointed to a lineup. "Oh, and make sure you don't have the same song as anyone. We don't want any repeats."

"OK, thanks," said Amber, blushing and got in line. She wished she wasn't so shy.

Amber knew exactly what routine she wanted to audition with. She was going to perform a ballet dance to a popular song, The theme from the Neo Nut Cracker play. Lisa and Bobby said she danced beautifully to that song. Just then, the gymnasium doors swung open. The most popular girl in school, Nancy Usul stood in the doorway, with her friends Jenna Jubjub, Kelly Kacheek and Michelle Poogle. Nancy also was a dancer at Miss Uni's, but she did not take ballet. Nancy and friends walked confidently through the gymnasium, and everyone moved to make a walkway for them. They stood behind Amber, whispering quietly. Nancy could tell she was trying to read her sign up form. She held it close to her. Amber felt very uncomfortable, and then Nancy and company walked to the front of the line. No one said anything. Everyone listened to what Nancy's talent would be. Nancy put her form in the pile.

Then, Nancy spoke, loud and clear "My name is Nancy (duh, anyone who doesn't know me must be living under a rock) and I, dance to that Neo Nut Cracker song," said Nancy proudly, and glared at Amber. Amber started shaking. That was her song! What did she ever to do Nancy? "I wish Lisa and Bobby were here..." Amber said quietly as tears filled her eyes.

To be continued...