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A Tale of Two Shoyru: Part Six

by Flamemane_2000

Click here to see how this story started!

Taricha - The Final Battle

I stepped inside of the Nimmo's HQ, onto a hard metal floor. Inside was a generator room, surrounded in a red aura. I guessed it was nuclear energy. There were Red Nimmo guards with army helmets on. The helmets were over their eyes, and they were sleeping with guns in their arms.

Using the Leviathan hover from my boots again, I was sure not to make a sound of footsteps. Careful not to wake the Nimmo guards up, I tread through the next heavy metal door, not making a sound.

In the next door was a huge computer. There was a Yellow Nimmo in a professor's suit sitting in a computer chair by the motherboard computer. He was loading programs into it, and inserting discs into numerous placed disc slots on the machine.

I decided not to arouse any trouble, so I walked quietly to the door, but before I could go through it, it shut tightly before me, and the computer Nimmo turned around in his chair.

"You really didn't think I didn't see you, did you!? Ha! How silly! Foolish!"

I growled, and looked fiercely at the Nimmo, clenching my sword tightly in my left hand. "Now you've asked for it, Nimmo..."

I rushed at him, and summoning Leviathan's power in the sword's strike, I hit the Nimmo with great force, destroying him. "Well, that was easy enough."

I walked through the door that was once closed, and was presented with a huge staircase. "Not more stairs again!!!! Agh!"

I sighed. Was there anywhere else to go? Nope. I'd have to go up the larger-than-life annoying stairs. I was sick of stairs by now, and I hoped never to see anymore in my life after the endless climb up these ones.

By the halfway point of the stair climb, I was already out of breath, but no, I couldn't take a break now. Taricha probably knew I was coming for him and Larmos, and was planning something disastrous. I would have to get there before he could think up a good plan.

I continued the tiring climb, and finally reached the top of the stairs. I rested at the door, very tired. I panted, and breathed heavily, and finally caught my breath. I looked to the door, took a deep breath, and swallowed hard. I swung the door open and saw darkness. The room was engulfed in darkness. I cautiously stepped forward, then noticed a small spark on the wall that seemed to be far in front of me. The spark grew into a shock, and then became a bolt of lightning that struck the ground, and lit the room.

The room could now be seen, but I didn't like what I saw. Chains hanging from the ceiling, stone walls that were almost falling apart, a dungeon-like atmosphere, a bloodied floor, and most of all, a Halloween Nimmo that didn't seem too happy at my arrival.

He looked at me with anger in his eyes. It was Taricha!! I looked behind Taricha to see my brother in a glass done with electricity surrounding the dome. "LARMOS!!!!"

I knew it. This would be where it would all finish. My story would be done. This chapter in my life would be closed. I growled viciously at Taricha. "YOU!! YOU KIDNAPPED MY BROTHER!!"

Taricha laughed. "Yeah, so? I enjoyed it too as a matter of fact! Hahaha!!"

This was pure evil. I could sense it. "Why do you have the hate in your cold, black heart to do this, Taricha!?!"

He grinned evilly. "I am evil, you idiot!" The same black beam that he shot at me before in Jynan he shot at me again. But, this time I had a defence against it. I raised my sword to the target where the beam was to hit, and deflected it to the side.

I jumped up, and slashed at Taricha with the sword, but he wasn't harmed by the simple swipe. I tried the same thing over and over, but it didn't work. He flew down to the floor, and with his wing, knocked me straight through a wall. I held my head in pain, then got up, and shook it off. "I get it...I need to arrange a little meeting between you and Leviathan, Taricha... so be it!"

I called upon Leviathan to attack Taricha, and it's spirit rose from the ground. It turned it's heavy head to Taricha. It's white and yellowish scales were shining and covering Leviathan. It glared angrily at Taricha. "My slumber is disturbed... my master has called upon me, the mighty Leviathan, God of Light, to slay thy God of Darkness... it is thee, Taricha. Thyne are the God of Darkness. Thy must be destroyed..."

Leviathan flew up straight, breaking a hole in the ceiling, and came down, breaking another hole, behind Taricha. It's sharp teeth bared themselves at Taricha. Taricha laughed. "So, Leviathan. You have come. What a nice surprise. First I have a little lizard thing coming in here," he pointed at me, "and now I have an overgrown lizard in here. Ah, well. All's fair in love and war. And THIS, my friend, is war."

Leviathan shook his head in disbelief. "In the holy legends, Gods have spoken. Thy God of Light, Leviathan, will vanquish thy God of Darkness, Taricha. There will be no quarrel. Leviathan's power will easily overtake Taricha's in a battle to the death."

Taricha was in serious disbelief. "Now, I really doubt that. Foolish being. You believe these fairy tales? Ha! You're more of a dope than I thought!"

Leviathan laughed. "We shall see, Taricha." His mouth opened wide, and a beam of light erupted from it, and hit Taricha with great force. Taricha flew back against the wall with a loud smash sound. When the dust cleared, he got up, wounded heavily, and laughed.

I was puzzled. Laughing after being hit that hard? Maybe Leviathan knocked him silly...

Leviathan roared loudly, and a shower of light rained from the ceiling, which started to fall apart. It struck Taricha with high power, and pinned him helplessly to the ground.

Taricha was still laughing. "You idiots! Fools! I won't go down that easy! I'm bringing this HQ down with me! You cannot escape!!!"

I got up, weary from the summoning of Leviathan. "NO!" I started to panic a bit, and then remembered my brother. His dome cage had fallen, and he flew out, towards me.

"Drange, are you all right!?"

I nodded. "Y-yeah. Come on, we have to get out of here!" I then looked back at Leviathan, who was using it's power to keep Taricha down. "Leviathan!! Come with us out of here!"

Leviathan looked at me with pity in it's eyes. "No, Holy Warrior. You must escape. Quickly now!! GO!"

I clenched my gloved hands, and then let the tension go. "All right, Leviathan.... thank you for your service... and for all your great help." I ran out the door, Larmos following me.

We escaped the same way I came in, except on the outside pathway, we flew across, since the black Nimmos were gone. We quickly ran far away from the exploding mountain and HQ, and watched the destruction, helplessly, from behind a large rock.

After the explosion was over, I looked at my brother. "Larmos.. I-I'm glad you're safe..."

He returned the glance, a small tear in his strong eyes. "As am I to you, Drange... thank you... now... now let's go home..."

The End

After the quest to vanquish the evil Nimmos, and to retrieve Drange's brother, Larmos, they walked home, and stopped off at Ivory's castle on the way. Ivory and Larmos were introduced to each other, and Drange and his brother decided to stay at Ivory's palace for home. Of course, Ivory was happy that Drange was alive and well, and came back in one piece. Over the years, they learned to not argue as much, and eventually fell in love with each other.

Even though the land is peaceful now, Drange still yearns to return to his original home in Jynan, and see what has become of it. This could mean a sequel to this story... stay tuned, Neopians!