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Forever Changing Neopia

by Bof3

I remember when I was born things were much different in Neopia. Faerieland, and Tyrannia weren't available for people to visit yet. Nobody was being murdered up in Terror Mountain. The missing link Chia was still around. In fact too much has changed to name everything. Some for the best, others for the worst.

I shall start with the bad first so when I'm done with the good, the bad may not look so horrible. I have seen the stock market go from a nice steady rate, to soaring, and then crash again where you could buy any stock almost, all too quickly. I remember when Flotsam used to be great in numbers! Now there are only 140,000 in ALL of Neopia.

Inflation has been the worst problem of Neopia. It used to be 1.15% and is now at 2.8%. You may be thinking, "Wow only a 1.65% increase, so what's the big deal?" Well the big deal is this has sent prices up TOO HIGH!! Books that once cost 25 at the very most, now cost over 230. Food you could buy for 8 or 9 NP now cost 13 or 14 NP. That is not so bad, but us pets have to eat just like everyone else and in the long run that can really add up the bill.

Now I've been fortunate enough to never know what it was like to go hungry for long, but that's not the case for all NeoPets! Some go many days hungry because their owners can't afford the food, but I will start my good changes by saying at least there is the Soup Faerie in the main marketplace, for the poorer Neopian pets and citizens. OK, so that's not really a change, but it's a good fact.

One of the good changes has been the addition of Faerieland. The Healing Springs has been a real help to many people. I know many people visit the Water Faerie after going to the Battledome, which is also new after I was born. They have the Water Faerie heal them, and their brothers or sisters, sometimes they only get an item, but there are also times when all points are restored to max and everyone is bloated! Plus the Wheel of Excitement is great! There's a change to win a rare item, have an ability go up one level, or even win 10,000 NP!

The addition of Tyrannia has also been a blessing to all NeoPets. It has offered more Battledome opponents for the restless, and the Giant Omelette provides one free omelette for every Neopian citizen everyday, and the best thing about that is that the omelette can be used three times, so that really helps the poor people and starving pets.

Sure enough there have been other changes since I've been here, especially in the game room. There never used to be a search bar, and every game didn't used to have its own square in the general areas, and that's nice at times. And very good games have come along, like Dice-A-Roo, Destruct-O-Match, Chute, Cheat!, Switch-A-Roo, Bullseye, the Air Faerie Quest, Meerca Chase, and even the Battledome! All of which cost very little to nothing to play so it's very good at helping everyone on their feet slightly.

OH! Speaking of Meerca's there have been two new pets added since I was born. I saw both the Meerca and the Chomby come to Neopia. As silly as they may look it gives many people the chance for more pets and for pets like me, more different brothers and sisters. :)

More paintbrush styles come every week it seems, so I've been seeing more and more unique pets everyday. But those fruit Chia's really are funny looking. With so many things that have changed and will change it makes you wonder what will become of Neopia next.

How many more different types of pets will come? What new lands will be discovered to be explored? How high will prices soar?! When will all the madness end!! Only time will tell for Neopia is always changing.