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The Ski Lodge Murders - How We Could Have Known

Now that it has been revealed that Maverick murdered those poor people, I have put together some clues about how I, and many other people, knew it was him...

by Volcanica_kougra

How to Make 1 Million NP Speculating in Codestones

It explains how to make lots of money quickly. Even if you have just 1 NP...

by sam_mikes

A Healthy Diet for Your NeoPets

Today I will be giving you meals that will probably make your NeoPets very happy and cheerful, too!

by gothprincess16

Ways to Get Faeries

There are different ways to get Faeries, but each has disadvantages and advantages...

by beta_seraph

All About Fire Faeries Translated

The first of a series of all the Faerie books, this is sure to be a must have for all households.

by roguegirl_37 (In a partnership with renni200)

NeoPets Games - Easy or Hard?

Today, I was will show which games are the easiest and hardest...

by Jtan

Grundo's Gym

Hi, I'm juzanotherguy and I been doing lots of research on Grundo's Gym, the best game in the world...

by juzanotherguy

Invisible Paintbrush - Are There Any Benefits?

Well, to tell the truth, I was really on a journey looking for this special place called The Invisible Island...

by epk

Interview With the Light Faerie

Hello. We're here with the Light Faerie on NTV News.

by liddle_jessica

Neopian Musings

Here you can find my opinions and expert advice on shops, the pound, and Chias.

by leslie_83

Forever Changing Neopia

I remember when I was born things were much different in Neopia.

by Bof3

The Omelette: An End to Hunger?

All through the history of NeoPets (and I've been here for a lot of it) the same story has been told over and over again...

by Hituro

PetPets - Which One Should You Get???

I’m sure that by now, everyone knows what a PetPet is...

by zomzo

The Neopians Guide to the Pteri

I traveled to the Tyrannian Plateau where the Pteris seems to be in the highest concentration...

by good_witch

PTERATTACK is "Pterrific"

NeoPets' great new game to go along with their great new Pet.

by Mikau_0 and his owner, hobbit000

Super NeoPets!

Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No... it's SUPER NeoPet!

by RumorHasIt

The Ultimate Ultimate Guide to NeoPets

Hello all of you Neopians out there, and welcome to the Ultimate Ultimate Guide to NeoPets.

by polamay

Great Games To Play With Your Usuki

Usuki Dolls have become all the rage lately, and being the owner of a few Usuki dolls, I know how great they are.

by smiley888_999 (with the help of her NeoPets)

A Day Without Games

That day will be forever etched in the mind of all Neopians: NG-Day, or No (Flash) Games Day.

by kis_girl

The Neo-Market Report

Celia will discuss her company's wildly successful new line of Usuki dolls, which are taking all of Neopia by storm.

by stereolab