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Great Games To Play With Your Usuki

by smiley888_999 (with the help of her NeoPets)

Usuki Dolls have become all the rage lately, and being the owner of a few Usuki dolls, I know how great they are. Here is a list of great games to play with your Usuki doll, specific to the type, and how it rates on the star (*) scale of 1-5 (5 is the highest).

Teenage Usuki:
Party Time! (***) Throw a party you'll remember with your Teenage Usuki. Invite all your other Usuki Friends, and have a blast playing party games and dancing the night away! (This is one of my favourite games, as you get to eat the food at your Usuki's party too.)

Magical Hair Usuki:
Grow Usuki's Hair (**) This classic game may be a little boring for some of you, but younger NeoPets love it. Brush Usuki's hair out, and watch it magically grow! Brush its hair the other way, and watch it magically retract!

Fun In The Sun Usuki,and Hawaiian Usuki:
Vacation At The Beach (***): Break out the sunscreen, beach ball, and towel... Usukis hitting the beach! Catch some rays, play some volleyball, or swim in the beautiful Usuki ocean, all in the comfort of your very own home! (This game works best if you play it in the bathroom, using the bathtub, or the sink as your ocean, and a washcloth as a towel)

For all types of Usukis:

The Never Ending Game (****): This game involves a lot of patience, as it may go on for hours, but it is highly entertaining to watch. Literally anything can happen in this game, from shark attacks to love stories, robberies to kidnappings. I still remember most of the ones my NeoPets have told me.

Overall, Usukis are what I think to be the most highly entertaining toy, as you can do virtually anything and everything with them.

I realise I didn't cover each specific kind of Usuki, but if you'd like to Neomail me, my user name is smiley888_999. You never know, I may come out with another edition=) Happy Playing!