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The Neo-Market Report

By stereolab

Once again the time is here to pay a visit to Neopia's foremost market analysts. Stopping by to join our hosts today will be Celia Sasuki, founder and President of Usuki Incorporated. Celia will discuss her company's wildly successful new line of Usuki dolls, which are taking all of Neopia by storm. And now, without any further ado, here are our hosts…

KAUVUTO: Hello and welcome to this week's edition of The Neo-Market Report. As always, I am your host Neil Kauvuto, and joining me from the News Desk is the lovely and talented Maria Blumaroono, who has the latest story from the floor of the exchange. Maria, how are things going today?

BLUMAROONO: Well Neil, things aren't looking too good. After last week's decline, many analysts predicted that the bargain hunters would come out again this week. However, it just didn't pan out--with the exception of Techrobatics Fitness Videos, which enjoyed a strong forty-point-gain. When asked about the extremely high volume of Techrobatics shares which had been snapped up, President Jayne Simmons said, "Well, I guess it goes to show that even in these turbulent times, the market continues to show great confidence in us and our products."

However, the rest of the market hasn't been so lucky, as investors sold their stock in other companies so that they could pile onto the Techrobatics bandwagon. Leading the list of this week's losers is Cybun Electromatics, who followed up last week's ninety-point loss with another sixty six-point decline. When asked about her company's recent performance, CEO Cyberta Green was quoted as saying, "It's not just us…I mean, take a look around. We're not the only ones feeling the effect of this Bear Market."

Another company taking a loss this week is The Presidential Palace, whose plans to create a Tyrannian NeoLodge have been stalled by P.J. Grundonn's inability to come to an agreement with Tyrannian zoning officials and acquire the proper permits. Although Grundonn is confident that an agreement will eventually be reached, sources close to the negotiations claim that the situation is hopeless.

KAUVUTO: Well Maria, one company that isn't having any trouble at all in this current Bear Market is that of today's guest. As the founder and President of Usuki Incorporated, Celia Sasuki has created a sensation throughout Neopia with her company's line of Usuki dolls. Celia, we're glad to have you here today…

CELIA: Neil, I'm glad to be here. Thank you for having me…

KAUVUTO: Now, everyone's buzzing about these dolls of yours--the Toy Shop can't keep enough of them in stock! I've even seen reports of tremendous lines forming in front of the Toy Shop hours before they open. What's your reaction to all this hysteria?

CELIA: I'd like to say to everyone out there that we're really sorry about the lines. I really wish people didn't have to wait just to get into the stores. We're honestly trying to make enough so that everyone can have the dolls that they want; it's just been real difficult keeping up with the demand. But I assure you that we're doing our very best…

BLUMAROONO: Now, speaking of demand, there have also been reports of collectors hoarding Usuki dolls and then selling them for big profits. Has anything been done to remedy this situation?

CELIA: Well, this was a problem at first, because we didn't make nearly enough dolls. We had no idea they'd be this popular…but since then, we've asked customers to limit themselves to two dolls and one Playset per purchase. Hopefully, if The Toy Shop can enforce this limit, then there should be enough to go around.

KAUVUTO: Celia, as of today Usuki Incorporated is a privately owned company. Are there any plans to take your company public, so that Usuki fans can buy stock in their favourite toy company?

CELIA: I'd have to say that, at this point, we don't really have any plans for an IPO. Although, it's not something that I'd totally rule out…

BLUMAROONO: Erm Celia, I hate to interrupt, but we've just received a huge news story. Apparently, the Neopian Securities and Exchange Commission has just announced that they will be holding a press conference at 4:00 PM NST. Sources close to the NSEC report that the press conference is in regards to a full-scale investigation of insider trading involving shares of Techrobatics Fitness videos. In the wake of this investigation, Techrobatics investors have abandoned ship, sending the stock plummeting to a mere 10 NPs a share within a matter of minutes.

KAUVUTO: Well, unfortunately that's all the time we have for now. Maria and I will continue to bring you the latest on the pending NSEC investigation of Techrobatics as the story unfolds. For Maria Blumaroono and Celia Sasuki, this is Neil Kauvuto saying thank you and so long…