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The Ultimate Ultimate Guide to NeoPets

by polamay

Hello all of you Neopians out there, and welcome to the Ultimate Ultimate Guide to NeoPets. This guide was made to help everyone get the most out of playing on NeoPets. It’s made up of 22 different parts. Each part consists on informative, helpful and easy-to-follow advice.

Every week the Neopian Times will publish a different part of the guide, and by doing that it will make it easier to follow! I realise that for this week you can only view this introduction, but the reason for that is because I can explain what you’ve got coming to this guide!

I can’t tell you exactly what you will find in this guide because that would ruin the surprise, but you will find info on other worlds, an interview with the Soup Faerie and a very special Battledome article. All that plus heaps more!

So, when are you going to witness this extravaganza? Next issue, which will be next week the very first main part of this article will come out, it will be called Part 2 - Saving the Neopoints that you have.

Now, I have had people asking me, what is the difference between this guide and other guides? Well, the answer that I have for those people is that this just doesn’t tell what things are. It gives out hints and tips, quick tips, interviews and loads of other extra tidbits that other guides don’t tell you!

Writing this guide has taken a lot out of me, and the strange thing is that I learned a couple things about NeoPets that didn’t already know! NeoPets really can be complex... to a newbie, you can easily get lost! This guide isn’t just aimed at Newbies, it’s for everybody to enjoy! That’s why I wrote it!

It’s taken me about 2 weeks to write this whole guide, but I was lucky to have help from other people. There was obviously the NeoPets team - ready to answer any of my questions, and I had some help from the Neopedia. Also, my brother azza_y2k3 was always there when I needed help with this guide!

Like I said, all you can view so far is this introduction, but starting next week you will be able to view the actual first part. So, for each part, you should probably print them out, because that way you can look back on it when you need a few extra pointers!

Thanks for reading this introduction, and remember to come back and read next week's Neopian Times, because the guide will have begun. Also, before I go, if you have any questions, please just Neomail me, you will get a reply!!! Until then, PEACE!!