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The Omelette: An End to Hunger?

by Hituro

All through the history of NeoPets (and I've been here for a lot of it) the same story has been told over and over again, struggling owners finding to their horror that their beloved NeoPets just cost too much too keep. A NeoPet owner fallen on hard times struggles to feed their NeoPets, depending on the charity of the Soup Fairy just to keep them alive. All this time its been one of the greatest costs of being poor, being unable to keep your NeoPets fed, and when food prices soared the poor suffered.

Could this time really be over? I think it could, and the reason is a huge pile of food sitting right on the Tyrannian Plateau... the Omelette!

The story is told that many years ago a dinosaur, bigger than any ever seen before, dropped an egg on the plateau. In the hot sun the egg became a giant Omelette, and it has been there ever since. No matter how much of it is eaten, no matter how many NeoPets come to feast on it, there is always more! And thousands of NeoPets have been coming there day after day ever since the earthquake opened up Tyrannia to the outside world.

Of course you can only take a piece of Omelette once a day, but each piece gives three portions of food! For a Neopian with a single pet that is three days worth of food! Even if you cannot come online over the weekend, for example, the Omelette you get on Friday can still feed your pet till Monday! For those with more than one pet visiting the Omelette every day can still feed all your pets. No more fighting for food in the food store, no more trawling through the marketplace in search of a bitten apple for your starving pet.

What's more, because some owners only have a single pet but visit the Omelette each day, there is a lot of spare Omelette around, and most of its only about 20 NP, that's 20 NP for three meals! It doesn't matter whether it's Pea and Carrot, or Bacon, it is all you need. Now even if you have been off-line for days at a time, it is easy to get your hands on some Omelette and see all your pets happy and bloated once more.

So in closing I say again, the time of hunger is over, the age of the Omelette is here.