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The Editorial:

The Editorial section has changed. To make it more useful to everybody we have decided to take the most frequently asked questions we receive each week here so you can get a thorough answer straight away from one of the creators of NeoPets. Here are the most frequently asked questions NeoPets support received this week:

1 - How often does the Neopian Times update?
There is a new issue of the Neopian Times out every week. Usually it is published on a Friday afternoon (NST).

2 - Why can't I complete the last exercise in Grundo's Gym?
There was a problem with the 'Clean Jerk' exercise, but this has been fixed now. If you are still having problems, please email explaining what is happening for you.

3 - How can I get my email answered promptly?
If you email the Neopets support team, your email will be answered in the order it is received. We try to answer all emails within a 24 hour period, even if it is just a little note to say we have received your email. Please remember to include your username and as much information as possible. If you do not explain what you need help with, or don't say who you are, we cannot help you and will have to ask you for further details. Also make sure you email the correct address. Emailing all the addresses will not get your email answered any faster as it will just be forwarded to the correct department.

4 - Do you get a trophy for submitting articles to the Neopian Times?
You do not get anything for submitting an article, comic, etc. However, if your piece is actually published in an issue of the Neopian Times you will get a shiny trophy for your cabinet.

5 - Do I have to get a job before I can have a Neohome?
No, You can start your own Neohome whenever you wish.

6 - How many codestones are there?
There are 10 in total, sorry we left out main from the list we gave you last week. Make sure you have the correct type of codestones that the Techo Master asks for, otherwise he will not accept your payment.

7 - My whole family uses the same computer to play Neopets and we have an account each, will we be frozen for having multiple accounts?
No, you will only be frozen if you are creating multiple accounts to try to cheat our games, sponsors, etc. If you are using all your accounts and are sticking to the Rules of the site, you have nothing to worry about.

8 - Many people are saying that the fake lucky rabbits foot makes you win 10,000np on the Wheel of Excitement every time. Is this true?
No, I am afraid it is another myth. There are no items that will help you win on the Wheel of Excitement.

9 - How do I find the answers to Usurper?
Throughout the week we gave out several clues. We announced these on the News page as they went live. The clues may be on the Usurper page, news page, or in Neopedia articles. You just have to hunt for them :)

10 - Do you like Ice Cream?
Yes, I do thanks, especially pralines and cream - mmmmm yummy :)

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common ones will be shown here next week.