Deceived by kia_shadow
Some claimed he was a curse. Others said he was a gift,
and without him, the world would be a whole lot different.
What did Kanrik mean to me?... Well, I guess
you'll have find out soon enough...
Let's start at the beginning. Kanrik and I were
both born into a small village perched in the high mountains of Mystery Island.
I was born a male yellow Gelert, and was given the name Vitani. Kanrik was born
a few weeks after me, and everyone seemed to make a bigger deal about the birth
of the handsome blue Gelert than about me. Often times, I would grow to be extremely
jealous of Kanrik's popularity when he had done absolutely nothing. What made
him so much better than me?
As Kanrik and I grew older, we also grew closer.
We had been friends for a very long time. We seemed to be very alike, yet so
different. We both liked to play in the mud and throw rocks in the river. However,
I was quiet and shy, and also liked to read books. I was always an outcast,
and Kanrik had always been my one and only friend. Kanrik, however, was quite
outgoing and wild, and seemed to have an enormous crowd of friends. I always
ignored the fact that he was much more loved than me, and simply stayed to the
fact that I was lucky to be the best friend of the most well-known Gelert in
the village.
One thing that usually bugged me was that it
was always 'Kanrik and Vitani.' Why not 'Vitani and Kanrik?' Although I had
surpassed most of my jealousy of him, I was still angry about him always being
praised, always being loved, always being the center of attention. All the while,
I would be standing in the corner, watching as he lived his life full of joy,
while I lived mine as the most unliked, least known Gelert ever.
Then, something happened one day. It all seemed
regular. I had woken up early, finished my daily chores, then walked outside
and searched for Kanrik. Usually he was near this huge field full of wildflowers,
bounding after bumblebees and chasing butterflies, but he was not there. I wandered
towards the top of the hill, where I suspected he'd be gazing out at the sky
or rolling down the slope. However, he was not even there. I bounded towards
his house, and knocked at the door. His father answered. "Do you know where
Kanrik is?" I politely asked, only to have his father tell me that he did not
know, but that Kanrik had left the house early in the morning. Confused and
worried, I began searching for my friend a bit farther away from the village.
I knew that I probably shouldn't have, since my mother always warned me never
to leave the security of our village. But I felt as if I had to. Where could
Kanrik have gone? It was a good thing I was such a coward, because I began hearing
lots of spooky voices and noises. In an instant, I darted home.
The village came into view, and I made my way
towards my house, deciding that maybe I'd just wait for Kanrik to find me. I
jumped onto the couch, opened a book, and began to read. Every time I'd turn
a page, I'd set down my book, leap onto the windowsill, hoping to see Kanrik.
I never did.
I didn't even see Kanrik when evening approached.
I began to get worried, constantly asking his parents if he had come back yet.
They always gave me the same answer: no. They started to panic too, and began
searching around for their son. At about 8:00, there was still no sign of Kanrik.
My mother called me home, where I ate dinner,
and was forced to go to straight to bed. I laid awake for an hour or so, concerned
about the safety of my companion. I eventually drifted into a sweet, peaceful
sleep. Well, that is, until about midnight, when I awoke to the sound of 'clink,
clang!' at my window. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, gazing out my window. There
I saw Kanrik, with a handful of pebbles, throwing a few more at the glass. I
immediately pushed up my window, stuck my head out and cried, "Kanrik! I was
so worried!"
Kanrik held up his hand and silenced me, then
motioned for me to come out. Not willing to question why, I crawled out my window
and raced towards Kanrik. Before I could even ask him where he went, he began
running off without me. Puzzled, I followed, unwilling to lose him again. We
dashed a little ways away from the village, until we reached a small hill, which
out looked the glorious, dark, star-scattered sky.
I panted, brushing a few tufts of fur out of
my eyes, and asked, "Kanrik, where have you been? Everyone has been panicking...
We've been looking around for you all day, and..."
"Shh!" Kanrik hissed, narrowing his eyes at
me. "Man, do you have to ruin everything?!" I was surprised at the sudden icy
tone in the Gelert's voice. Before I could once again question Kanrik on where
he went, he finally said, "Okay, do you promise not to tell anyone?"
"Of course... Now, where have you been?"
"Alright..." Kanrik began, taking in a long
breath. He looked from side to side, then leaned in closer to me. "I've been
talking to these guys who are from this group of thieves. They sound really
cool, and they might let me join!" A wide, proud grin stretched across Kanrik's
sweat-gleaming face.
I blinked, still processing what Kanrik had
just said. I wasn't sure I heard him right. "You? A thief?" I muttered quietly,
trying to lock eyes with Kanrik to see if he was serious. Kanrik never looked
at me back. He seemed to become very fascinated with the ground, and acted as
if there was no need to look back at me.
Kanrik's smile fell as he grumbled, "What, you
think it's stupid?"
"Well, um, I, well..."
"Hey! I've got a great idea!" Kanrik exclaimed,
his face suddenly lighting up.
"Umm... What?" I asked. I knew it wouldn't be
something very clever.
"Hey, you wanna join the thieves with me? It'll
be great! We'll be rich!" Kanrik chuckled, bounding circles around me and glancing
at me with hopeful eyes. "Please? Please, please, please!"
"I don't think so, Kanrik," I replied. He froze
in place, staring at me with a shocked expression. Apparently it was not the
answer he was expecting.
"Why not, Vitani?" he asked, his voice drooping
into a disappointed, distant tone. "I thought we were best friends. I thought
we would do everything together."
I shook my head and stated firmly, "No. I'm
not joining those thugs. I'm going home now." It felt good to finally tell Kanrik
what I felt. I usually went along with whatever he said, but certainly not that
time. I flicked my nose into the air and began trotting down the hill, leaving
Kanrik with his jaw open and staring at me with eyes heavy with confusion and
"Wait!" I heard him suddenly cry. I sighed angrily
as I heard his footsteps pounding behind me. Kanrik jumped in front of me and
suggested, "Before you make a final decision, won't you please just come and
meet them? I'm meeting the thieves again tomorrow night. Please come with me!
Then you can tell me what you think. And if you say no, I'll never bug you about
it again."
I stared at Kanrik. I knew he was telling the
truth. I suddenly felt my stubbornness fade away, and was replaced with my normal,
agreeable self. "I... I guess," I growled, lowering my head. "Tomorrow night.
Stop by my house, and we'll tell our parents we're going on a walk."
Kanrik nodded his head happily. "Yeah, yeah,
alright! I promise you won't regret this!" With that said, Kanrik sprinted off
towards the village. I sighed, shaking my head in shame for being so gullible.
I stared up at the black, star-littered sky, suddenly noticing a shooting star.
A star that was falling from its position in the sky, higher than all the others,
then suddenly dropping. I knew that I shouldn't have thought about it, but I
wished that Kanrik was a falling star.
The next day came very quickly. The whole day
through, Kanrik kept convincing his parents with a ridiculous story that he
was dragged down the river and got lost for a really long time. I would simply
roll my eyes as I heard his parents coo and tell him that they were 'so sorry
that they couldn't have helped.' How did Kanrik find a way to get away with
I kept my distance from Kanrik. I stayed with
my family for most of the day, just in case I decided to join the thieves.
Then, the time came. I was sitting on my couch,
reading my favorite book for what I thought would maybe be the last time. I
then heard rapid knocks at the door. I flung my book onto the floor and sprinted
to swing open the door. There stood Kanrik, a huge grin gracing his face. "Ready
to go?" he asked, nearly twitching with eagerness.
"Yeah," I murmured with a nod, hoping to slip
out the door without my parents knowing.
My hope was crushed as I suddenly heard a voice
say, "Where are you two going?" My mother stepped out from the kitchen, continuing
to polish a plate in her hand with a damp rag.
I bit my lip, flicking my eyes towards Kanrik.
Kanrik simply gestured to respond to her. I turned back to my mother, who was
now standing with her hands on her hips. "We're going on a walk, Mum," I replied,
trying to act casual.
"Well, alright. Try not to fall into any rivers,
okay?" she instructed, wandering back into the kitchen. Success!
Kanrik and I dashed out before my mother had
a chance to stop us again. We sped out of the village, and down a dirt path.
"Where are we going to meet these guys, Kanrik?" I asked.
Kanrik smirked. "Down over here," he replied.
My eyes widened. "Are you kidding me? We're
still so close to the village! Someone could easily spot us out here!"
Kanrik shrugged. "So?" he muttered, slowing
his pace. I did as well. We approached a small area nestled between two hills.
It was tucked very securely, and was shadowed by the hills. Kanrik turned to
me and whispered, "Wait here for a second."
I nodded, though I doubted that Kanrik could
see, since it was almost pitch black. Kanrik strode forward, head held high,
chest puffed out proudly. Into the darkness he disappeared. I sat patiently
on a patch of dew-soaked grass, my ears twitching as they detected some hushed,
yet urgent voices. I couldn't tell how many people Kanrik was speaking to, but
it probably wasn't a lot.
Suddenly, I saw Kanrik emerge from the shadows.
But he wasn't alone. He was with a Darigan Skeith that held a sword and a grim
looking Grarrl. I blinked, feeling scrawny and pathetic compared to the two
massive beasts in front of me. It was very silent, and I could feel the Skeith's
and Grarrl's eyes pierce into me. I felt nervous and scared.
The silence was finally broken when Kanrik said,
"So, what do you think, guys? Can Vitani join?"
"I dunno," the Grarrl murmured, his voice low
and cracked. It sounded as if he hadn't drunk any water for weeks. He stared
at me with his horrifying red eyes, scanning every inch of me. "He looks weak
and pathetic."
"Yeah, he is," Kanrik scoffed, rolling his eyes.
I glared at Kanrik. "Hey!" I objected, wondering
why he was suddenly so cruel.
"He's actually a real wimp. All he does is read
books all day!" Kanrik added, striking me with a taunting smirk. Why was he
doing that? I figured it was so he could fit in or sound cool, or some stupid
The Grarrl stared at me curiously. "Does he
really? We don't want no smart alecs in our group." Then he snapped his fingers.
Before I knew it, I suddenly found myself pinned
against the cool grass. The Skeith had his long fingers wrapped around my neck
had the sharp, dirt-crusted blade of his sword raised into the night sky. I
screamed, kicking my legs and snapping my jaws. "Why are you doing this?!" I
whimpered, tears gushing into my eyes.
"The world has no use for pathetic losers like
you!" was the response. At first, I thought the Skeith had said it. Then, I
looked over the Skeith's shoulder, to see that it was Kanrik who had spoken.
He laughed with the Grarrl, who was standing by his side.
"Kanrik, you can't let them do this to me!"
I yelled.
"Sure I can," Kanrik replied, a bit annoyed.
"I'm tired of talking to him. Get rid of this pest!"
Down the blade swung. A terrified shriek tore
from my lips as I thrashed underneath the Skeith's clutches. Luck must have
been with me on that dreary night, as I luckily managed to squirm away just
as the glistening blade was sliced against the green grass. I stumbled around
for a moment, desperate to regain balance, overwhelmed by how close to death
I had just come and how betrayed I felt by Kanrik. When I regained control,
I looked questioningly at my so-called 'friend.' Kanrik stood close to the Grarrl,
who both stared at me menacingly. I took a few steps back.
"Get out of here, Vitani," Kanrik finally spoke,
briskly and cruelly. "I have no further use for you."
My eyes widened. "Kanrik, are you kidding me?!
You're actually joining these guys?!" I screamed. My heart was beating so fast
that I thought it was going to rip out my chest. "They almost killed me! You
almost let them kill me! Why do you want me dead?"
"I don't know. Because you're a loser and I
hate you, and you're always holding me back." Kanrik turned his back to me and
stood frozen, still. "You can't change me, Vitani," Kanrik hissed. He motioned
his head toward the thieves. "Come on, let's get out of here."
With that much said, Kanrik and the others disappeared
into the darkness of the night. Leaving me, alone, crying, screaming about what
a fool Kanrik was. I couldn't believe that he was going to simply watch as that
Skeith almost cut me to bits. My heart was torn into two; my first, my last,
and only, friend had abandoned me. He deceived me. I meant nothing more than
just another person in the world to him.
Weary and weak, I stumbled back to the village,
preparing what I would announce to everyone as soon as they realized that Kanrik
was gone... forever.
After five years...
Now, I am much older. Much wiser. I am adopted
into a middle-class family, with three other pets, and a kind owner. I still
read books, and I have not one friend. It's rough getting through the days.
My legs are not what they once were, and I'm practically blind.
Some time ago, a few months after I was adopted,
I was walking through the busy streets of Neopia. I thought I had put my entire
past behind me. That is, until a Chia newsboy stepped in front of me and shrieked,
"Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Kanrik, the handsome thief, helps Hannah the
sly thief in a huge battle that determined the fate of all of Neopia! Extra!
Extra!..." My ears perked forward. The name Kanrik instantly struck something
in my mind that was so familiar... too familiar. I snatched an issue of the
Neopian Times from the Chia's hands and scanned the page. I read about the brave,
the daring, the strong blue Gelert by the name of Kanrik, fighting away a band
of thieves that he had once been part of. So, Kanrik has not changed one bit,
I thought with a grunt. Still betraying everyone who trusted him.
I crumpled up the Neopian Times as I began reading,
in detail, of how loyal and trustworthy Kanrik was to dear Hannah the Usul.
"Who knows, maybe Kanrik will suddenly change and deceive Hannah as well...?"
I murmured to no one in particular. I shook my head and tossed the paper on
the ground and made my way down to the smoothie shop.
The day was not over, not quite yet. Just a
few blocks away from the smoothie shop, there was an enormous crowd of Neopets
and humans screaming and hollering a name that I couldn't quite make out. But,
of course, I already knew what it was: Kanrik.
I sprinted to join, and when I came close enough,
I saw Kanrik standing in the middle, raising his hands into the air and laughing
as a group of female Gelerts screaming, "WE LOVE YOU, KANRIK!!!" It stung my
ears as they began giggling and continued shrieking. I stared at Kanrik; he
looked overjoyed. He seemed to be doing great without me.
I shook my head. Why intrude into his simply
glamorous life? Everyone loved him. Everyone thought he was so great. Everyone
thought he was simply the most amazing creature to exist. Ha. Doesn't anyone
stop to think about the past life of the superstars? Hasn't anyone stopped to
think about all the people they've hurt and abandoned along their way to fame?
Didn't anyone care about me, Vitani? Didn't anyone stop to think about how I
was fading away as simply the shadow of Kanrik? No. I'm probably not even good
enough to be considered the shadow of that traitor.
I looked at Kanrik as he flashed the crowd around
him a huge smile. I furrowed my brow, spinning around on my heels, and turning
my back to Kanrik. Turning my back to all the pain he had brought upon me. The
worst part is, he had no idea. If he did know, I doubt he would even care.
Some claimed he was a curse. Others said he
was a gift, and without him, the world would be a whole lot different.
What did Kanrik mean to me? Exactly what I meant
to him.
The End