Neopets Vegetarianism?! by omomake
There are hundreds upon hundreds of food items, from Qasalan Delights to Tyrannian
food. There are so many different kinds of food that your pet can choose from.
I myself have learned from experience that there is food my pet simply won't go
near. How can you not like a delicious, juicy Bagguss? But that's my Ixi's issue,
not mine, and actually, I'm straying from the subject. Anyway, whether your pet
finds eyeball custard delicious or not, they have a choice. (Though some owners
tend to find feeding their pets free omelette every day the best solution.)
Amongst these great varieties of food, you will find quite horrible foods
such as Meerca Pie and Blumaroo Steak! I'm sure you can all guess how those
are made. I don't know about you, but these foods look to me like they just
came out of the Book of Evil! After finding out about these foods, I began to
think. Where is the Sausage from Sausage Omelettes coming from? How about the
tongue from Tongue with Veggies? There is only one place. And you can guess
This finding out of things has led to entire new fad on Neopets! This is a
fad in which I take part of. Neopets vegetarianism. Rather than feeding your
pet other pets, some owners have decided to go out of their way and shop at
the Health Food store, or trade their Sausage Omelettes for Carrot and Pea omelettes.
How interesting for owners to teach their pets to avoid eating their friends!
I've gone around on the Neoboards and have collected some opinions on this matter
to see just what people think of this new phenomenon.
Zisti says, "I support Neopian Veggie-eaters. It may not seem important, but
since I don't have real pets, I try to take care of my pets the best I can.
In real life, being a vegetarian keeps you healthy and happy, so I want my neopets
to be that way, too." Although pets in real life often need meat, Neopets do
not. Zisti brings up a good point when she says that staying vegetarian is healthy
for you pet. Also, many of the pets on this site look like they have herbivorous
teeth shapes.
Although Zisti thinks it's a good idea, there are some who are against it.
Another person, who wishes to remain anonymous, neomailed me saying, "I don't
support this at all. Being vegetarian is a personal choice that people make
on their own. Not allowing your pet to eat meat is just not right, unless you
get a random event where your Neopet says they don't want to eat meat anymore,
and that's not going to happen. Besides, they're just pixels."
Although some opinions clash, some Neopians decide to stay neutral. Chip13giggles
says, "I feed my pets a well-balanced diet containing meats, vegetables, and
every so often a few treats. I still don't understand why people want to feed
their VIRTUAL pets a special diet, as long as they're not just feeding them
junk food. They should feed their pets with meat AND vegetables, but if people
choose to just eat meat or just eat vegetables, then let them."
As you can see, there are all kinds of opinions about Neopet vegetarians.
Which side are you on? That's your choice. After all, it's not like anyone is
going to be bugging you about what your pet's diet is anyway, right? But this
article is about Neopets vegetarianism and, if you're interested in it, keep
reading. If you're against it, you might want to leave to go enjoy some Blumaroo
Steak. Or if you're simply interested in the concept behind all of this, feel
free to read along!
Here are some reasons why people decide to have their Neopets go vegetarian.
For one thing, if you have a neopet whose family members are being chopped up
and served off, you might not want to resort to cannibalism. Also, some pets
have friends with species whose families are in their food. It might be a little
disrespectful to dig into some steak while a Kau is present, don't you think?
Certainly that Meerca won't enjoy the pie you baked when there's a tail sticking
out of it.
Interested in making your pets vegetarian now? Then you may be asking, "Well,
how do I start?" First, empty out your inventory of meat-related foods and get
rid of them. I don't care how, just do it. Then, go buy some cheap vegetarian
foods. I suggest shopping at the health food store, where there are healthy
supplements of food abound. That's where I do all of my shopping, or most of
it, at least. Once you have a good amount of veggies and fruits, you're good
to go! Remember that even though your pet is vegetarian, you can still give
them a delicious smoothie or biscuit once in a while.
And there you go. You have now turned your pets vegetarian. Eating healthy
will ensure that your pets are healthier, too! One good thing about your pets
being vegetarian is that they will not often have urges to eat meat or temptations
to sneak a sausage. If you ever get in a fix about not being able to find vegetarian
foods quickly, fear not! I am working on opening a vegetarian pet food shop
right now. All of your veggies, fruits, and vegetarian treats will soon be available
for munching needs.
Remember that turning your neopets vegetarian will not cost more money! It
will only cost more time in finding good foods, but it's worth it to save some
Kaus, Meercas, and even petpets, right?
That's about all I have to say, then. Whether your pet wants to remain a hungry
carnivore, an unpicky omnivore, or switch to a veggie-munching herbivore, I
hope this article has given you a little bit more insight on the growing trend
that is Neopets Vegetarianism. Now if you'll excuse me, there's an Azzle Salad
waiting for me in the kitchen. Mmmm!