Petpet Adventures: Petpetnapped - Part Two by rachelindea
"You know, that's a good question," cut in a voice from
above them. From the darkness appeared another petpet. Thon could just make out
the shape of wings and a sharp beak. The voice continued. "And no doubt you want
that question answered."
The petpet stepped forward into the light provided
by a single light bulb and was revealed as a fierce looking Skree. He cocked
his head to one side. "But first things first," he said, clicking his beak.
"What are your names?"
Ellen answered the question because Thon was
too preoccupied studying the Skree. "I'm Ellen and this is Thon."
The Skree inclined his head then motioned towards
the others. "And who are your companions?"
Thon looked at them; none of them were awake
yet, but Terkan was moving. "That's Terkan, the Angelpuss is Faffy and the Noil
is Jaraval." He couldn't help an edge creeping into his voice when he said Jaraval.
The Skree chortled. "I take it that you don't
like that Jaraval," he observed.
"And what's your name?" butted in Ellen.
"My name, my esteemed Doglefox, is Evar," said
the Skree. "And now to answer the question you asked a few moments ago."
He flew into the darkness and Thon thought he
had disappeared from the room completely until he landed in front of them moments
later, a piece of newspaper held tightly in his beak. He placed it in front
of the cage.
"Go ahead, read it," he invited.
Thon leaned forwards, his black nose touching
the bars of the cage. "But... it's written in Pet," he said.
"Of course it is," said Evar irritably. "What
else would it be?"
"We don't know Pet," explained Ellen.
Evar looked surprised. "Oh. Oh I see. But you
should, you know else how would be able to tell what your pets are doing?"
"We don't really know, we just guess," Thon stated
"Hmm..." Evar seemed puzzled. "I'll just have
to read it for you."
He opened the newspaper and began reading. "Distressing
news from the inhabitants of the Neopian suburbs. Petpets have been disappearing
from houses while their owners are away at work... The Defenders of Neopia,
our current justice system, believes that they are being sold in a black market
for petpets. If anyone has any valid information please contact the... I don't
think I need to finish the article," said Evar, looking up at them. "So now
you have your answer."
"It doesn't explain where we are, though," said
Evar sighed and folded the newspaper up again.
"I don't know either, but you can be assured that you're at the main headquarters."
"Oh." Thon turned to
Ellen because she seemed to understand all this better than him.
"An' if you're a petpet than why ain't you in
a cage?" said the voice of Terkan from behind Ellen.
Surprised, Thon turned to him. He was standing
up and staring suspiciously at Evar. Thon realized that he must have been awake
this entire time, listening to their conversation. But then he remembered what
Terkan had said and realised that he had a point. He looked at Evar, expecting
an answer.
Evar looked at Terkan. "Because I belong to Walder,"
he said slowly. Seeing three surprised and suspicious faces staring at him he
continued. "Walder is the red Kyrii. And anyway, one petpet not in a cage isn't
going to bother him."
Terkan still wasn't convinced that Evar was innocent.
"If you belong to 'im then why are you talkin' to us?" he asked.
"Because there is nothing else to do," Evar replied.
Thon was thinking. He looked around the room
at the other cages and counted about twenty or so other petpets. His eyes had
adjusted to the dim half-light and he was able to make out the shape of door
at the far end of the room.
"Hey, Evar," he said. "Do you think you could
get us and all the other petpets out of the cages?"
Evar followed his gaze. "You wouldn't be able
to get out unless a pet opened the door and even then they'd be able to catch
you again. Trust me, I've tried."
"Not if all of us were trying to get out," said
Thon, determined to escape. "Please just try."
Evar sighed but he went over to the lock of the
cage and began attacking it with his sharp beak. While he was doing this, Thon
decided to wake up Faffy and Jaraval. He would have happily left them behind,
but he knew that if he didn't it would be stuck on his conscience. He shook
Jaraval awake, none too gently.
Jaraval glared up at him, then got to his feet.
"I don't need your help, thank you very much," he said grumpily, and with that
he turned his back on all of them.
Faffy was a little more difficult. On the third
shake she opened her eyes. She looked down at one of her paws and saw it covered
in dirt. Her eyes widened in shock and she frantically began cleaning it before
she noticed that all of her was a complete mess.
"Oh no," she moaned. "My beautiful fur, it's
"Faffy, shut up," growled Thon and he knew that
it wasn't going to be the last time he said it that day.
The door swung open with a loud creak as Evar
broke the lock and Ellen stepped out. Thon and Terkan followed. Faffy was still
complaining about the state of her fur and Jaraval stayed where he was.
"Just leave them," Thon whispered to Evar, who
was about to step into the cage. Then he turned to Ellen and Terkan. "Help me
get some other cages open."
He walked along the bench, freeing other petpets
as he went. Soon there was a group of twenty or thirty petpets milling around
on the floor of the room. Jaraval and Faffy had finally come out of the cage
and joined the group, although neither of them looked very happy. Jaraval was
studiously ignoring the movement around him.
When all the petpets were released they turned
to Thon, as if expecting him to do something. Ellen nudged him encouragingly
and motioned that he speak to them. Thon looked at their bewildered faces and
"Ok everyone, when that door opens you have to
run through it as fast as you can; otherwise you'll be caught again," he called
to them.
It wasn't the best of speeches but they didn't
seem to care. They just turned to the door and waited. Thon went over to Evar.
"Are you coming?" he asked.
"Of course. I'm not going to waste the rest of
my life sitting here in the darkness," Evar replied. "And I have to say thank
you for giving me this chance to be free." He looked over at Jaraval. "I see
why you don't like him now," he said. "But I guess you have to look after him,
as he doesn't look the type that can look after himself."
Thon smiled at that and Evar moved away. Ellen
approached Thon with Terkan following behind her. Terkan looked happy at being
part of all the attention but Ellen looked annoyed.
"Do we have to take those two with us?" she asked,
pointing in the direction of Jaraval.
Thon remembered what Evar had said to him. "Yes,
after all we have to look after them."
Suddenly all noise was hushed and the only sound
in the small room was the heavy footfalls of someone coming towards the room.
The door opened and the red Kyrii, Walder appeared through it. He didn't notice
the petpets until they began streaking towards him, Thon among them. He nipped
one of Walder's red toes as he passed and heard him hiss in pain.
Thon was in a narrow corridor as dark as the
room. Ellen and Terkan were loping beside him. Something whooshed overhead.
It was Evar, flying at full speed.
"Follow me," he squawked and led the petpets
towards another door. Luckily his one was open and all the petpets ran out into
the bustling streets of... where? Thon had no idea but he and the others from
his cage followed Evar until they were well away from Walder. All the other
petpets had dispersed in different directions.
Evar perched on top of a tree smiled at his newfound
freedom. Faffy was panting heavily, unused to overexertion. Thon looked carefully
at his surroundings but still couldn't tell where they were.
"Ah, Evar, where exactly are we?" he asked.
Evar looked down at him. "I don't know. But goodbye
for now, and good luck on finding your way home." With that he took off from
the tree and flew over the top of a nearby shop. Thon didn't try to stop him.
He knew that Evar needed some time to relax. But it still left them with problem
of how they were going to get back to the Suburbs.
"Well that's just great, Thon," sniffed Faffy.
"You get us out, but you can't even get us home."
Thon was annoyed. It wasn't his job to do all
the work. "Faffy, shut up," he growled.
To be continued...