Petpet Adventures: Petpetnapped - Part Three by rachelindea
Thon turned away from Faffy and looked around once again.
Because he had stopped running he could get a better view of his surroundings.
On his left was an old, derelict building and on his right was a footpath with
all different shapes and sizes of pets walking along it. Judging by the heat,
it was late afternoon.
"This is a long way from the suburbs," Ellen
commented gloomily, echoing his thoughts.
Thon looked around again and was surprised to
see a Warf making its way towards them. He recognised it as one of the petpets
from before, in the room. It came to a stop in front of him.
"Thanks," it said and Thon knew that it was a
"Uh, no problem," he said in answer.
"My name's Leaury by the way," she said.
"Aren't you going to introduce us?" asked Jaraval
pompously, like he was the only important one out of them all.
"Oh yeah," said Thon. "Leaury, this is Jaraval,
that's Faffy and that's..."
Thon looked around for Terkan and Ellen and saw
them near the old building. Terkan was attacking it like his life depended on
it while Ellen was attempting to restrain him. She wasn't doing a great job
and Thon noticed a piece of wood directly above Terkan's head, posed to fall.
"... That's Terkan, the Spardel I mean and the
Doglefox is Ellen," he finished.
Leaury listened politely and smiled. "I noticed
that you were looking a little lost," she said. "Can I help you?"
"Don't you have your own home to go to?" asked
Jaraval in a tone that was incredulous.
"No." Leaury looked down at her feet. "I'm a
stray." She sounded ashamed.
Jaraval backed a way like Leaury was contagious
and Thon felt angry with him. "So what if she's a stray?" he said sternly. "It
shouldn't matter." He turned back to Leaury. "We're trying to find our way back
to the suburbs," he told her.
Now it was Leaury's turn to be incredulous. "But
that's so far away. It would take forever. Unless..."
"Unless what?" enquired Ellen, magically appearing
beside Thon.
Thon turned and saw Terkan still trying to knock
down the building. The piece of wood was teetering on the brink of falling on
top of him. He turned back to hear Leaury's answer.
Leaury looked uneasy. "There is a quick way through
the side alleys but it would be too dangerous," she explained.
"Why is it-" began Thon.
He was interrupted by a loud crash from the direction
of Terkan who was currently being squashed by the piece of wood. As Thon watched
Terkan extracted himself from underneath it and began staggering towards them.
He smiled and turned back to Leaury.
"Why is it too dangerous?" he asked.
"Well because the petpets who live in the alley
aren't exactly... friendly," she answered.
"That don't matter 'cos I'll fight them," said
Terkan, who had finally reached them.
Leaury looked like she doubted that Terkan would
be able to do anything of the sort, but she didn't say anything about it. Instead
she shook her head. "It would be safer to go the other way," she said.
Suddenly Jaraval stepped inside their little
circle, having finally decided that there was nothing wrong with Leaury. "I'm
not worried about some silly little petpets," he said snootily. "They should
be more worried about me."
Leaury sighed deeply. "Ok, I'll take you through
the alleys but it's not my fault if you get hurt."
Faffy suddenly piped up. "What about my fur?"
she complained. "Any more travel will wear it out even m-"
"Faffy, shut up," snapped Thon. That was the
third time today, he thought, counting in his head.
Leaury looked a little freaked out, but she just
turned around and began leading them towards a dark alleyway. "Ok, you have
to be quiet down here," she whispered to them and that was the last time any
of them spoke for a few hours.
* * *
At dusk Leaury told them to stop. Thon was glad
to rest. One more step with Faffy breathing down his neck would have driven
him mad. Ever since the sun had begun to set she had come up with an endless
list of complaints directed at Thon. It wasn't his fault that all of this had
happened. He had said 'Faffy, shut up' three more times and knew he would have
to say it again when Faffy started to open her mouth.
"Faffy-" he began.
"I'm only asking what's for dinner," she cut
in before he could finish.
Thon looked at Leaury who smiled. She jumped
on top of a large dustbin and tipped it over. Out of it spilled various bits
of food, and other stuff, which Thon didn't really want to know about. Leaury
collected most of the food into a pile.
"Dig in," she said.
Faffy looked too shocked to speak and instead
just stood where she was, opening and closing her mouth soundlessly. Jaraval
didn't exactly look pleased either, but he was obviously very hungry because
he began picking at a piece of bread. Terkan went over and picked up something
"This is good," he said. "What is it?"
Leaury scrutinized the piece of food. "I think
that's an omelette," she said.
"It's better than the stuff at home."
Suddenly Thon felt his neck prickle like they
were being watched. He turned around and saw a flash of movement. Suddenly a
Sklyde stepped into view.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't some poor, lost
petpets, and all alone as well," he said in a dangerous voice.
Terkan looked up and answered. "Well, what if
it is?" he asked, ready for a fight.
The Sklyde's brow furrowed. He had clearly expected
all of them to be scared. Leaury sure was, Thon noted as he looked over at her.
She had pressed herself up against the wall. He stepped forwards and addressed
the Sklyde.
"What do you want?" he asked.
The Sklyde smirked. "Why, I want you to leave,
of course. This is, after all my alley."
"It is not," growled Ellen, abandoning her meal.
"It doesn't belong to anyone. So you can't tell us what to do."
Thon had forgotten how fiery her temper was when
aroused. He watched the Sklyde, who was now looking very annoyed.
"If that's what you think then why don't I get
my boys to show you otherwise," he hissed. "Boys!"
From all around them came the sound of shuffling
steps. Soon they were surrounded by an assortment of petpets, none of which
looked very friendly.
"Well, have you changed your minds or will we
have to chase you away," said the Sklyde, clearly enjoying himself.
When none of them moved he waved a paw and the
circle of petpets began closing in. Thon looked over at Leaury and realizing
how frightened she looked he began running towards her. It was their fault that
she was here in the first place. He was cut off as a Bartamus tried to kick
him in the face. He missed and his paw bounced harmlessly of one of Thon's tusks.
Thon was glad of his tusks, which had stopped
the Bartamus from touching him. He head butted it in the stomach, causing it
to reel away. He passed Ellen, who was holding her own very well, and Jaraval,
who seemed to be trying to protect Faffy. As for Faffy, she was huddled into
a white, fluffy ball of fur.
Leaury was surrounded by two Spyders and the
Sklyde, who was watching her terror with what Thon realised was satisfaction.
Thon charged forward and attempted to dig a tusk in the Sklyde's back, but was
surprised when it had no effect whatsoever. The Sklyde turned to him, hissing
Thon ducked as the Sklyde's tail came whooshing
through the air above his head. The Sklyde advanced slowly, but Thon didn't
back away.
"You've got brave friends," growled the Sklyde
mockingly, pointing over to Terkan.
Thon looked and was surprised to see Terkan whimpering
with fear as a Grobrin approached him, smiling. Thon had always thought that
Terkan was strong and brave but seeing him a wreck was a shock. He was interrupted
as the Sklyde, who had taken advantage of the distraction, leapt at him with
his sharpened claws outstretched.
Thon ducked under him and the Sklyde fell to
the ground with a crash. Thon hooked both his tusks underneath the Sklyde's
body and flung him away with all the strength he could muster, which happened
to be a lot. The Sklyde flew through the air, rather ungracefully, and landed
more than two metres away.
He stood up and glared at Thon before calling
to his companions. Then they all disappeared into the darkness of the alley
and were gone. Thon looked around and saw that everyone was all right except
for Ellen, who was lying still on the ground with her eyes screwed up in pain.
Thon rushed over to her and saw that one of her legs was bent at an odd angle.
Leaury came and stood next to him.
"That's bad," she commented, pointing to Ellen.
"What is it," asked Thon. "What's wrong with
Leaury looked at him sadly. "I think she has
broken her leg."
To be continued...