Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 135,120,768 Issue: 263 | 27th day of Collecting, Y8
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by evalyn1012

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The Korbat from Krawk Island
"Yarr!" he said, in a heavy pirate accent. Without being assigned a seat, he walked through the narrow space between the wooden desks...

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What Lies Hidden in Your Closet: Part Four
"This is your own personal playroom!" my owner exclaimed, appearing happy at my reaction. "I went and picked all the toys out myself. And, although it's not much, I've got one more thing for you..."

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Ahlptraume - Neopia's Little Nightmare
Legends tell of a creature that stalks the nights of Neopia, the Ahlptraume (the nightmare). There is no proof that it exists...

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The Scaredy Yurble
He couldn't help it, he was always afraid. It was as if a dark shadow was always looming over him...

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by phsycoticdancer

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