Jhudaberry Soup: Part Four by sky___phoenix
Skylark grinned at the
little blue Kacheek, who had just appeared, and was running towards her. After
all, what harm can a Kacheek do to a Lupe? she thought, but gasped in anger
as he grabbed her around her middle.
"Let GO!" she tried to shrug him away, and kicked
him off her as hard as she could. She gaped as she saw a Zafara and Kiko streak
out of the room and into the Kitchen.
"Yes! Merielfy!" she crowed aloud, jubilant.
However, at the same time, the faerie, red faced with rage, pointed a menacing
finger at Skylark, who instinctively ducked behind a cauldron. The Neopets in
the queue were all staring at the scene, and most were backing away from the
Lupe and angry Faerie. Some started hurrying from the building.
Suddenly the half-open
door to the kitchen burst open, and Merielfy and the red Kiko rushed back into
the room, breathing hard, overloaded with yellow Neggs.
"You again!" Jhudora cried, now distracted from
Skylark by the two Neopets running towards her. To Skylark's great confusion,
they started pelting the Neggs at Jhudora, who dodged most of them with ease.
Whatever Merielfy's doing, it's not working,
Skylark thought with a groan. Had her friend gone mad?
Just then a burly yellow Kau in a smart, black
policemen's uniform pushed through the gaggle of onlookers, shadowed by the
green Uni Breezy.
"Halt!" he cried, clopping forward. At the same
time, a yellow negg smashed onto Jhudora's forehead, knocking askew a wig of
shoulder-length brown hair, revealing a glimpse of green and purple streaks.
"Hey!" the Kau. "I said halt!" He pulled out
a silver, club-like baton from the various weapons in his belt and brandished
it in the air. "No one move." All the Neopets present froze, including the negg
Jhudora, however, grimaced sweetly at the policeman.
"Oh, thank Fyora you are here, officer," she said in her high-pitched Soup-Faerie
voice. "Some vandals have been wrecking my kitchen! Perhaps you could take them
away so I can continue with my work?"
The Kau tilted his head to one side, replaced
the baton, and drew out a white ray gun.
"Please explain why you are wearing that wig,
Soup Faerie… or is it Jhudora?"
The evil faerie quickly
opened her mouth, muttered "inssineo" and began to disappear, seemingly dissolving
into the air. Immediately a white streak shot out from the officer's gun, and
hit the half - vanished faerie, causing her to freeze, as white goo enveloped
her form.
"Faerie paste. Just invented. Great stuff," the
Kau remarked casually, but did not relax. "Right. Everyone here - single file,
and follow me… or else."
12:15pm NST, Sept 20, Royal Faerie Court.
Fyora sat at the head of the grand courtroom,
speculating on the case that was being presented. To her left sat Jhudora, magically
chained to her seat with golden cuffs. On her right sat half a dozen Neopets
- a blue Lupe, a Christmas Zafara, a red Kiko, a green Uni, a blue Kacheek and
a yellow Kau. Her trusted advisors/bodyguards stood next to her, silently observing,
- Lillea, a dark faerie, and Pellea, an earth faerie.
The Lupe and the Zafara particularly intrigued
the Queen. Skylark and Merielfy declared (and they could not lie - only a few
knew that the courtroom was spelled to prevent falsehoods) that they witnessed
Jhudora performing treason. Of course, that was not the way they put it! But
capturing and injuring the poor Soup Faerie!.. well, that was definitely treason
of the worst sort. Not to mention the poisoning of soup. The poor Kacheek was
proof of that.
No, she was definitely indebted to those two
pets in particular. She was surprised, actually, that Jhudora had used such
an obvious method, and hadn't used a more magical disguise… and why would she
want so many slaves? Maybe someone was controlling Jhudora herself, using her
as a decoy? Fyora put the thought firmly out of her mind. That faerie would
never submit to anyone.
She glanced again at the Soup Faerie, who had
been called to give witness. She was still in a shocked state, but recovering
quickly from the immobilizing spell Jhudora had performed on her. . .
One of her advisors coughed, and Fyora nearly
started, her usually serene face a little creased at the brow. Of course, the
court was waiting for her to give Jhudora's sentence.
Skylark, seated in a straight backed, golden
chair, was watching the Faerie Queen nervously. Since officer Quirk, the yellow
Kau, had taken control, she and everyone in the building had been marched to
the Neopian Police Headquarters, and soon after that had been escorted to Faerieland
Since giving her account of what happened, she
felt that she had been behaving like an idiot - sneaking away from home was
one thing - but breaking into the Soup Kitchen? What if Queen Fyora was angry
with her? What would Kibeth, not to mention her owner, say?
Her conscience gave an uncomfortable jolt when
she thought of her older siblings back at home. What was it she had told them
- that she was doing an assignment? The small Lupe felt suddenly miserable -
they would be so worried… oh, she would be in so much trouble!
The faerie queen raised her right hand, and Skylark's
stomach tightened uncomfortably as the regal faerie began to speak.
"Guilty," the Queen said gravely. "The accused
is fined a hundred-thousand Neopoints, for vandalism, poisoning, compulsion,
treason, breaking and entering, and above all injuring another faerie, who did
her no harm."
"The accused, Jhudora, will also spend six months
in the magical basement of the Soup Faerie Kitchen, scrubbing soup pots, in
the hope that it will teach my fellow Faerie better behaviour."
Then she frowned severely at Jhudora, who was
ignoring the proceedings with a look of disgust on her sneering face.
Fyora continued, "All the Neopets involved are
to be considered innocent, and I sincerely thank the Neopian Police Force for
their efficient and commendable work."
The Faerie Queen paused, and Skylark's hopes
raced. Is Fyora going to thank Merielfy and me now? And Breezy and Scout
the Kiko, too? She thought excitedly.
"This case is now closed," she concluded, rising
in a rustle of purple silk, then departed the room through a golden side door.
Disappointment coursed through the small Lupe.
"So that's the end - I just go home, after practically saving the Soup Kitchen?"
she thought bitterly.
She turned her head left to regard Merielfy,
who was watching her, looking almost as glum as Skylark herself.
"So that's it?" Skylark asked over the bustle,
as the other Neopets in the courtroom rose and left. "I go home and… Merielfy,
where do you live?"
"130911 Magical Road, Neopia Central," her friend,
staring at her gloomily. "My owner is going to kill me, when he finds out I
quit my job."
"Oh Merielfy, I didn't mean to make you lose
your job! I'll make it up to you, I promise!" the Lupe said frantically, then
an idea struck her.
"Hey, you can work at my owners shop! She needs
someone to help her at the counter."
"Hmmm… Maybe… I'll think about it," Merielfy
said carefully, brightening. "Can I go home with you? Usually I'm giving tours
until three, my owner won't expect me back yet."
"Sure!" Skylark said enthusiastically, beaming
at the Zafara.
Just then Fyora's earth faerie advisor joined
the pair, looking disapproving. "The Queen requests that you join her in the
interview room," she said quietly. "Please follow." The faerie moved gracefully
towards the door Fyora had passed through.
The pair of Neopets hurried nervously after the
faerie, who led them into a small but grand hallway, then into a room with many
luxuriant cream armchairs. Behind an oaken desk sat the Faerie Queen, her hands
folded elegantly in front of her.
"Please have a seat. If you please, Pellea, stand
by the door."
"Yes your Majesty."
Skylark and Merielfy each half-collapsed into
an armchair.
"I would here your story again, but I have other
business to attend to today. Is there any way I can thank you for what you have
"It's fine, your Majesty, really" murmured Skylark,
alarmed at the sight of the Queen putting herself before them.
"Mmm," Merielfy agreed fervently.
"Nothing?" Fyora asked, raising a delicate eyebrow,
but before Skylark could open her mouth again, the Faerie Queen seemed to pluck
two golden objects from the air.
Fyora opened her palm, and a golden chain with
a glowing purple F at the center settled around each of the two Neopets' necks.
"Wow," sighed Merielfy.
"If either of you are in that sort of situation
again, if you are in need, and I mean TRUE need, show it, and it will be known
you are under my protection. Take care of them; they are very precious." She
drummed four fingers on the table in thought. "Now. You should leave."
"Thank you your majesty," the overawed Neopets
murmured, then slipped out of the room.
Twenty minutes later, two Neopets climbed through
the window of a Faerieland bedroom. One was particularly disgruntled.
"Why the window?" grumbled the Christmas Zafara.
"Shhh. Come with me. If anyone asks, I met you
on a walk, and you're going to help my owner in her shop," Skylark whispered
back, then prowled into the living room. The room was empty, but she could here
the sound of the clanging of metal coming from the kitchen. Her sister Kibeth
seemed to be engrossed in washing the dishes at the sink.
"Kib?" Skylark asked uncertainly.
The pretty starry Gelert turned around, startled,
there was a clang as a spoon dropped from her paw. "Skylark! Where've you been
all morning?! Al is about to call the police. And who's that behind you?"
The small Lupe looked a little guilty. "Aah,
Kibby, I just went for a walk. A long walk. Anyway, I found a friend who can
help our owner in the shop."
After brief introductions were made, Kibeth gave
Merielfy a warm smile. "Well, you came home just in time. I made something special
for lunch."
"Fantastic!" Merielfy said happily. "Me 'n Skylark
are starving."
The Gelert beamed at the Christmas Zafara.
"It's a soup, you see I picked up some Purple
Shrooms from the auctions on special, and I thought I'd give them a try… Skylark?
Are you feeling alright?"
"Aah, I'm not that hungry, actually," said Skylark
faintly. "You go ahead, I think I'll go without!"
The End