Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 977 | 24th day of Awakening, Y25
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A Late Valentine's Reunion

by rurirawr


Valentine's Day meant little to Tasha now. She had had enough of the holiday for as long as she could remember, though it seemed like she had spent her entire life at this point in time being reminded of how little she had to celebrate. The only one she had ever really celebrated with these past four decades was herself, but self-love didn't really count, did it?

     Buying a bouquet of red carnations was about the only thing she did which resembled a Valentine’s Day activity. It wasn't so much that she loved the flowers that it was merely a habit. Forty-five years ago, these carnations would've been gifted to her younger twin sister. She used to be able to remember the day vividly despite trying to push it out of her mind - the tragic day when Sasha contracted what seemed like a simple case of Sneezles, only for her to leave the world later that evening due to severe complications. It seemed like a distant memory she could barely recall now, and she hoped it would stay that way. She didn't want to shed any more tears.

     The Elderly Ogrin filled up a tall ceramic vase with tap water and gingerly placed the flowers into it. They looked beautiful – not a single petal out of place. Her hooves trembled slightly as she put the vase down on the kitchen counter. It was a waste Sasha couldn't admire them.

     She sighed once her back was turned away from the sink. “Sometimes, I wish you were here,” she said quietly, her voice quavering just the tiniest bit. Feeling her throat and chest tightening up, Tasha quickly took in a deep breath and exhaled to get rid of the feeling, then began gathering the ingredients required to bake a chokato cake. Having some work to do was a great way to distract herself from depressing thoughts and spend an otherwise lonely day. Besides, the cakes had to be finished by that evening to be ready for delivery early the next day.


     "Please, come in." A Shadow Kacheek, presumably one of the caretakers, held the door for Tasha. "Let me carry those for you," she added, taking the two cake boxes from her hands while keeping the door open with her left foot.

     The Ogrin gave her a small nod of appreciation and entered the children's home, taking off her shoes before making her way to the common room. The sound of cutlery clinking on plastic plates from the dining hall next door reached her ears as she took a seat on one of the straight-backed wooden chairs lined along one side of the wall. The numerous beanbags scattered across the floor were too low and soft for her stiff back.

     "Sorry, Miranda's a little busy with serving the kids breakfast at the moment," the Kacheek said when she walked into the common room a few seconds later. "I'll let her know you're here. Please make yourself comfortable in the meantime." She disappeared into the adjacent room and returned a minute later with a mug of hot tea, which she handed to her. "She'll be with you shortly."

     Tasha accepted the drink with another nod. She blew lightly on the surface of the steaming liquid and took a sip, watching as four young Neopets rushed into the room in a bid to jump onto a beanbag near her - the only pink one in the room - narrowly avoiding the Kacheek as they did so. They stopped shouting and giggling when they caught sight of her.

     "Did you finish your breakfast?" the Kacheek asked the children.

     "Yes, Ann!" one of them, a red Lenny, replied enthusiastically, while the other three Pteris bobbed their heads with fervour.

     "Good job, girls." Ann smiled kindly, then held up the cake boxes. "There will be a delicious surprise this evening. Make sure to thank Ms Tasha here."

     The children looked at each other nervously once Ann had left. After a moment of awkward silence, Tasha decided she'd break the ice first.


     She thought her attempt at a friendly approach had been ruined by her croaky voice, but to her mild surprise, it seemed to have done the trick instead. The children edged closer to her and began ploughing her with questions.

     "Hiiii! Why did you come here?"

     "Hey, do you want to play Guess the Card with us?"

     "Can I know what's in that box?"

     Their bluntness made the Ogrin chuckle; it felt refreshing for some reason. As she entertained them, more and more children gradually trickled into the common room and soon, it was bustling with activity. By then, there were a dozen little curious Neopets crowding around her, listening intently as she shared some of her life stories. Tasha was so caught up in the moment that she hadn't noticed Miranda, a middle-aged Peophin, watching her keenly from a short distance away.

     "They're adorable, aren't they?" Miranda remarked after Tasha had finished her tale and excused herself from the kids to join her.

     "Mm-hmm, and inquisitive too," Tasha agreed as she glanced around the room, taking a quick look at all the inhabitants.

     Miranda laughed. "You don't know the half of it. They can be quite a handful at times." The Peophin then glanced at her watch and gasped. "Oh, I didn't mean to make you wait for so long!" Producing a drawstring pouch from her jeans pocket, she handed it to Tasha. "Here's the payment for the chokato cakes I ordered. The kids are going to be so happy when they hear there'll be dessert for tonight's dinner."

     As Tasha took the pouch from Miranda and pocketed it, her eyes were fixed on a solitary Blue Acara who was seated in a corner on the opposite end of the room with her head down. The Acara paid no attention to the chatter and toys around her, choosing to stare blankly at the floor instead. Something about her troubled Tasha deeply. She had seen that vacant, glazed expression on many faces in the Pound and other shelters before. The Acara looked like she'd lost everything she cared for in Neopia.

     The Elderly Ogrin may be mistaken, but she was almost sure her speculations were right, for she herself had once experienced great loss and behaved just like the Acara. Perhaps that was what drew her gaze to her. Perhaps that was why she wished to know more about her.

     Miranda must've read her mind because she began explaining about the Acara's past. "Sasha has been staying in children's homes like this for most of her life, longer than any of these kids here. She was rehomed twice but her foster parents returned her to us because..." she hesitated for a bit. "Because it was difficult for them to communicate with one another."

      "Sasha..." Her sister's name. Was it merely a coincidence?

     Tasha walked over to the Acara's corner and reached out to tap her lightly on the shoulder. The Acara flinched at the unexpected contact and her eyes widened slightly in shock.

     "Hello Sasha. My name's Tasha," she introduced herself in a calm voice but loudly enough to be heard above the din. It was obvious from the way Sasha had reacted that she was unused to having strangers speak to her directly. "How are you today?"

     The Acara blinked owlishly at her but said nothing, then resumed her absent-minded stare at the ground. Tasha waited patiently until she saw the child begin to fidget with her fingers, looking unsure of what to do.

     "Is something the matter?" the Ogrin prodded, her tone still as gentle as before.

     There was no response at first, but after a few seconds, the Acara raised her head and met Tasha's gaze.

     "I want to go home."

     In that instant, another voice rang inside Tasha's head, young and shrill. "I want to go home!" Her failing memory couldn't piece together the event that had happened in the past, but she was intrinsically aware that the voice belonged to her sister. The sudden ache in her heart was so strong, almost unbearable, that Tasha felt her vision blur for a second, but she remained composed. Instead, she offered a reassuring smile to the Acara.

     "Do you want to come and live with me?"

     The words just slipped out of her mouth without her realizing it. Yet, she knew she actually meant the offer. Not just for the sake of the Acara's well being, or even for her own selfish reasons, but because she wanted to give the Acara a fresh start. It was something she herself had missed out on for not moving on from her sister's passing for far too long. She didn't want the Acara to dwell in the past - to make the same mistakes as her.

     Fortunately for her, Sasha the Acara perked up at the proposal and accepted it eagerly. It warmed Tasha's heart to see her so cheerful. With the papers signed and advice shared by Miranda on Sasha's interests and needs, the Elderly Ogrin left the children's shelter and set off for home that late morning with her new family member hand in hand. Perhaps it was meant to be a reunion in disguise, arranged by the Faeries.

     Valentine's Day might already be over, but no one ever said love couldn't be celebrated on any other day, did they?

     The End.

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