Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Nine by cpmtiger
A month went by before anything interesting happened. Avalon
and Ash had finally progressed to actual sword fighting. Quaz was showing them
some simple moves. Avalon realized that sword fighting was more difficult than
he'd expected. Even the simplest moves took him days to learn. Ash could master
them in two days, at most.
But Ash and Avalon were more concerned at what
was going on outside the Cave. From the little they could gather from reports
and whispered conversations, which Quaz now wouldn't explain, they figured out
that something was going on. Mange's body had been recovered, and Valor reported,
quietly in Quaz's living corner, again. They mentioned something moving toward
the Cave. Avalon and Ash could guess what it was.
They didn't have much time to discuss it, however.
Avalon and Ash were fairly sure that Quaz didn't realize how much they knew,
seeing as they had eavesdropped while pretending to practice sword fighting.
And since they weren't allowed outside of Heartfelt, they were always with Quaz.
Their sleeping bags were positioned very close to Quaz's bed, so they couldn't
talk then either.
One night, Avalon woke up. He wasn't sure why
he'd woken so suddenly, but there he was, wide-awake in the middle of the night.
Looking to his left, he saw that Ash was awake too, her eyes reflecting the
starlight coming through the hole in the ceiling.
"Hey," Avalon whispered, glancing at Quaz to
be sure he was asleep.
Ash jumped a bit and turned to him. "What?"
she whispered back.
The question leapt out of Avalon before he could
figure out how to say it. "What d'you think's moving toward the Cave?"
Ash sat up, double-checking Quaz. "Probably
Scarback's Gelerts. Or a small group of them anyways. What do you think?"
"Well," Avalon said, sitting up as well. "I
think you're right, but I wonder whose authority they'll be under."
"You mean Scarback or Brazen, right?"
Avalon nodded. "I mean, if it's Brazen, maybe
they're just coming in this general direction. Quaz said she goes out and attacks
pets all the time. Maybe she's going to get someone."
But Ash shook her head. "Quaz said she did it
to pets Scarback wants to keep alive. At the moment, I'm sure getting the Gem
is his number one priority. If Brazen's coming this way, it's to get you, mark
my words."
Avalon narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. "You're
right," he said, "She could be. But don't forget, she does follow Scarback's
orders sometimes."
Ash rolled her eyes. "Either way, someone's
going to attack you, and it's not gonna be pretty."
All three pets were silent that morning, over
a breakfast of old Neoflakes. Quaz set down his spoon and looked right at Avalon
and Ash. They gave each other apprehensive looks, then returned Quaz's stare.
"So you figured it out," Quaz said quietly,
and to Avalon's relief, he was smiling slightly. "Yes, Ash, I heard you two
last night. Very nice theories."
"We were right?" Avalon asked, sounding surprised.
"Mostly." Quaz's grin widened at the disappointed
look on Avalon's face. "You were close, but Brazen's not leading the band."
"Scarback is, right?" Avalon said glumly, digging
his spoon into the flakes, no longer feeling hungry.
Quaz nodded. "Yes, and it gets worse."
"Is he leading ALL the Gelerts?" Ash asked incredulously,
standing right up. "And we're sitting here eating Neoflakes? We should be training,
getting ready!"
"Hold your Unis there, Ash," Quaz said, holding
up his paws. "First off, Scarback's miles away from the Cave. Second off, he
doesn't know how to get here. And if he does make it, I'll be there to stop
him. And by that point, the Guardian force will, too."
"The what?" Ash asked.
"The Guardian Force. All the pets who help the
Guardians. Like Valor and Storm, and…" Quaz suddenly fell silent. His ears were
pricked, and his eyes narrowed.
A loud birdcall echoed through the Cave. Quaz
leapt up, his golden eyes wide and panicked. He closed his eyes and began muttering
rapidly, as he had when the Darigan Zafara had appeared. The hole in the Cave's
ceiling closed with a loud, grinding crunch. Small lamps flickered on, lighting
the Cave with an odd electric glow. A moment later, a large black board with
flames surrounding it appeared in midair. Avalon realized immediately that Quaz
had been using the Guardian Faerie's power. After a moment, the black board
turned into a moving picture. Avalon realized that it was the sky above the
Cave. A large bird of some sort was circling overhead. Avalon couldn't make
out what it was, but it looked a bit like a Lenny.
Quaz frowned. He put a paw in the air, and pulled
it back. The bird on the screen moved closer as the camera zoomed in. Avalon
stepped toward the board, curious about the bird. It zoomed all the way in,
and revealed a dark purple Lenny, with a dark black beak and talons. Its face
was grim, and it had an annoyed look about it. The Lenny's gray eyes were scanning
the Cave below, studying every detail. The Lenny circled overhead for about
ten minutes before cawing and heading East.
Quaz growled and slammed a paw on the table.
The screen flickered, then went off. Teeth bared, Quaz stood and began pacing.
"And who was that?" Avalon asked sharply, tail
flicking. "Not somebody on our side, I'm guessing?"
Quaz shook his head. "One of Scarback's spies.
A volunteer. He's a Darigan Lenny whose been working for Scarback about ten
years now. Looking for the Cave the whole time, I'm sure."
"You don't think he's found anything?" The fur
on the back of Ash's neck bristled.
Quaz shook his head. "That's not the first time
this sort of thing has happened. In ten years, he hasn't caught on at all."
"And how're you sure?" Avalon asked, raising
an eyebrow dubiously. "Just because you don't know doesn't mean-"
Quaz whirled around, claws unsheathed. "Avalon,"
he growled, "Put it this way: If Scarback knew where the Cave is located, we
wouldn't be standing here having this conversation. We'd either be dead or under
his tyranny."
Avalon was sure Quaz expected him to look abashed,
but the young Kougra didn't. He stared right back, meeting the odd royal Kougra's
angry glare with one of his own. Ash took a step forward, tail swishing. Whether
it was out of anger or fear, Avalon couldn't tell.
"Quaz," the Lupe said, a slight growl in her
voice. "Before Scarback's Lenny came, you were telling us that Scarback was
leading the Gelerts this way."
With a sigh, Quaz turned away from Avalon. "Yes,"
he said, "Scarback's on his way."
"But you said the Lenny hadn't found the Cave!"
Avalon protested.
"I know. Scarback doesn't plan on finding us.
He plans on us finding him," Quaz explained.
"So it's as simple as not finding him," Ash
said with a frown. "What's the big deal then?"
Quaz smiled grimly. "The thing about being,"
he searched for the word, "a good guy is that you care about the innocent. Scarback,
I know for a fact, has no such worries. But he knows that nothing draws a good
guy like setting fire to a village, or attacking a market place. And even though
you know it's a trap, you can't just ignore the attacks. Not only will innocent
pets get hurt, but you'll be accused of treason, or cowardice." Quaz sighed
slightly, turning away. "Sometimes being a hero isn't all it's cracked up to
"Well," Avalon said after a moment of silence.
"What're we going to do?"
Quaz turned back around. His eyes glimmered
in the electric light from the lamps. "There's no way around it," he said quietly.
"We're going to have to meet Scarback, and fight to keep the Gem."
"We're leaving?" Ash's tail flicked in a surprised
"Don't complain!" Avalon growled, ears perked.
"We finally get to do something exciting!" His tail was thrashing eagerly; the
starry Kougra had been itching to leave the Cave for a long time. At first,
he'd been impressed by the field and swords and pets coming in and out. Now
all he saw were four walls blocking him from the adventure he'd always craved.
Quaz looked almost annoyed. "Have you ever been
in a battle, Avalon?" the Kougra asked. Avalon shook his head. "Have you ever
gone claw to claw with another pet who won't back down until they or you are
dead?" Again, Avalon shook his head. "Have you ever been forced to listen to
the howls and moans of those too wounded to fight, who you can't help because
you're in a fight to the death?"
Avalon almost took a step back. "No," he muttered.
"Then don't be talking about 'exciting' until
you've been in a real fight. Life isn't like comic books or adventure stories.
You can get hurt, and you can be killed."
Avalon felt Ash's eyes on him. He ignored her
and stared Quaz in the eye. "Alright then," the younger Kougra said evenly.
"I'll wait."
"When do we leave?" Ashe asked, eyes narrow.
"As soon as you've picked out your swords."
To be continued...