Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 155,861,765 Issue: 298 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y9
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Pet Pages: Overlooked?

It always seems to get bumped to the bottom of the to-do list. Yes, that's right, Neopia: I'm talking about the ever-enigmatic world of pet pages.

by loveofnightfall
Are You Ready to Adopt? Are you Ready to Abandon?

Are you truly ready to adopt the ill, homeless, sad Neopet? Do you have a good amount of income, plenty of food and drinks, and a warm bed for the Neopet?

by epiercy1996
Stocks: A Board Game, Not a Game of Chance

To do well with stocks, there are three Ps (and one V) you need to follow: pocket money, pricing, patience, and variety.

by mookie99
Re-Designing a Room

This is your pet's room, so hear what they have to say. Ask some questions about what they don't like, and how they would like to have their rooms...

by ahseenam
The Plight of the Esophagor

Perhaps we should start a donation drive for a Baby Paint Brush for him. Maybe a change in appearance would turn his unfortunate circumstances around...

by benjamin97
Edna's Shadow: The Guide

You simply have to collect all the ingredients needed to form a potion strong enough to attach the shadow back to the witch and bring both Edna and her shadow to the cauldron at the same time. Of course, this wouldn't be exciting if there weren't monsters...

by playdoh_666
Finding the Perfect Petpet

Now just because a grey pet wouldn't be happy with a sad petpet, doesn't mean you can't color match! What I mean by this is instead of buying a sad petpet you could buy a grey COLORED petpet...

by elizabeth676767
Becoming a Working Neopian

Are you ever bored? Wish that you had something to do? Or maybe you've been called "lazy" or "unproductive" before.

by pikachuteena202
Tea Time!


Er... sorry. Let me rephrase that.

by 8311050

A Letter to Neopia's Slushers

I was shocked to see the chaotic array of disgruntled customers, frantic workers, and discarded slushies going to waste...

by ampolin1
Altador Cup: The Island Powerhouses

"I think the biggest thing for all of us is not to underestimate any team. All the teams are playing well this year. It's a really hard field out there."

by centuscoelis
The Unsung Heroes of the Altador Cup

What about those Neopians we don't know much about, but without whom, this tournament would not be the raging success that we all enjoy? Let's take a closer look...

by the_real_poetess_123
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"Safe No Longer" by avibero
Hiya! Mr. Fairweather wasn’t happy, because Werther fell off. Werther wasn’t too happy either. He can’t swim. Cap hauled him back up just before a giant set of teeth snapped where Werther was! Miss Lilian says...

Other Stories


Being Pea
I do not want to be a food item; I want to be mean and scary and made out of patchwork.

by carrotopian


Oh Brother!
"You overgrown canary! How many times have I told you not to fly around in my room?"

by rontu94


The New Prophecy: Part Five
"What about the green eyes, though?" Illusen asked from her frozen spot, still squirming uncomfortably as coldness seeped into her bones...

by vanessa1357924680


Let Darkness Fall: Part Four
Lord Darigan had barely entered the room when a distraught Lenny threw himself at his feet, and cried, "Oh, help us, my lord!"

by feriku


Some drama behind the scenes of the Altador Cup when Shenkuu goalie Xana Dilanche comments on "Dasher" Soley's injury...

by zeromaxwell


Fashion Nonsense
Come on people, use some common sense!

Also by riggs4ever

by thunderwolfcrys

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