Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 194,219,815 Issue: 749 | 16th day of Gathering, Y18
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Autumntastic: Top Five Autumn Items - Gardening

Get to know about the top five Autumn items in Neopia!

Also by morifoy

by sosuleaf

Before You Create A Pet…

So, inspired by the spirit of helpfulness, I thought I'd write this article! I hope it teaches my fellow players the proper way to create pets. I want all of their accounts to be safe and secure from TNT's wrath, as well as immune from other problems!

by indulgences
Top 12 Seasonal Avatars

Hello, and welcome to my seasonal avatar guide which shows you some of the best avatars to sport during each season! What better way to celebrate Autumn than with spooky and ghostly Halloween-related avatars? Or if you don’t want to take that route, how about an Autumn-related avatar with a cozy feel?

by flustre
Relic Pet Care Manual

Congratulations! You have just painted your pet Relic! Hopefully, this is not the first pet you have ever owned, as Relic painted pets are slightly different to care for than a non-Relic Neopet. However, since you are reading the Relic Pet Care Manual that comes with the Relic paintbrush, I am sure you are a loving and magnificent owner.

by elmi164
How To Give Your Neopet a Great Vacation!

Summer is winding down, and many of us have taken nice vacations while our pets waited patiently for us to return. If you're looking to treat your neopet to a nice vacation experience, here are some fun ideas you can try!

by tessahcamille
A Taste Test on 15 Different Types of Chocolates

What is a better way to start the day of the Annual Chocolate Ball other than having some nice dung chocolates?

by icygirl2005
Overlooked: Taelia the Snow Faerie

The Faerie Festival is still approaching and there’s still time to take a look at one special faerie. On the very top of Terror Mountain is an igloo that is home to Taelia the Snow Faerie. She is by no means unknown but she is one of the most mysterious faeries in Neopia.

by trixietrotter
Hoarding 101

I’ve always been a packrat, so for me, getting that packrat avatar was a breeze: I acquired it before I even knew what avatar hunting was! However, others who aren’t quite as hoarding-inclined as myself have had some trouble, so it’s time to share some packrat knowledge with my fellow Neopians.

by meadow_lark
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"Naia and the Maraquan Moehog" by erikakaiser
The whispered comments, the giggled gossip, the sidelong glances – Naia heard and saw it all. She would love to be bold, to say she didn’t care, but it wasn’t true. It bothered her, at least a little, that the other Faeries didn’t take her job seriously. If she had more of that infamous Fire Faerie spark, she’d snap back. I mean, come on, the Light Faeries spent all their time hoarding cards for, what? Vague, wishy-washy visions of the future? To her, the present was more important. You could shuffle cards and prophesy all day, but if you weren’t trying to affect change, what was the point? But she was a Water Faerie, and she was the one who got the snickers and the eye rolls. Her fountain didn’t repair cracked buildings, didn’t build houses for homeless Faeries, didn’t feed Faellies or Boweens. Marina’s Healing Springs didn’t do those things either and still managed to get less grief, despite all the times Naia had seen a wheezing and exhausted NeoPet get rewarded with nothing more than an Exploding Snowball. Not that it was necessarily Marina’s fault – most of the young Faeries had an element of surprise to their spell casting. They would pull their magic, focus on the outcome, and certainly do their best, but whatever came out was what came out. It took years of practice and learning to cast blessings as thoroughly as Faeries like Aelia or Mira. Naia wasn’t a very old Faerie herself, but she had learned to focus her abilities into the already naturally magical waters of the Rainbow Fountain, and in this way could fulfill requests very specifically.

Other Stories


The Prettiest Peophin
I slowly woke up from my nap, feeling quite content and comfortable. But as I looked around, still half-asleep, I realized something. “Wait, this isn’t my bed!” I thought.

by blackghoulmon


Naia and the Maraquan Moehog
The whispered comments, the giggled gossip, the sidelong glances – Naia heard and saw it all. She would love to be bold, to say she didn’t care, but it wasn’t true. It bothered her, at least a little, that the other Faeries didn’t take her job seriously.

by erikakaiser


Undead Rising: Part Six
“Eww, what are we doing in a crypt?” Zeena complained, swiping at the various cobwebs that hung from the ceiling. The Wocky was right, Bernard agreed, this place was creepy and gross… what on earth could they possibly be doing here?

by yoshisislandbandit


KATIPO I: Restart: Part Three
It’s 7:30pm exactly, and you’re staring up at Riff’s house and worrying over whether or not you actually got enough information from the alien to make this trip worthwhile. Riff’s typically pretty good at putting together puzzles with only a handful of the pieces, and he’s got some weird sixth sense when it comes to knowing what other people had said during interrogations that he wasn’t even present for, but you still sometimes worry.

by theschizophrenicpunk


Packrat Avatar
You sure end up with a lot of stuff once you're done...

by saturncheese


Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 8
Do you think it's going well?

by twillieblossom

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