Sibling Rivalry, We’ve all heard of it. Most of us Pet owners have probably dealt with it at one time or another. I’m sure you all know what it's like when you come home from earning Neopoints to find your Grarrl picking on your Ixi because your cute little Ixi would hand over his book...
Welcome to Edna's Tower "I want you to get me that Cackle avatar," Tiffany
answered, giving me my coat. "Just ask Edna nicely for it and she'll give it
to you."
Meerca Chase Magic! Have you always wanted that Meerca Chase avatar, or one of those
spiffy trophies, but you just couldn't get high enough of a score? No problem!
Pishicu and the Wisdom Council: Part Ten A small Kacheek ran up to them with a look of
extreme urgency on his face. "Ooh! Ooh!" he exclaimed. "I know of a cave like
that! It's about two miles east of Poogle Races!"