"The Outcasts" by lemmykoopa300 There Recess. The outcasts sat under the playground talking about life. It was cold, and Rain shivered from the cold. Rain didn't have a jacket...
The True Face of a Faerie: Soup Faerie A few shop owners scrutinize the dusty, populous
streets. They can tell that the roads are so crammed because the pets and their
owners are in a line. Most know that this line is not just any line - it is
the line to the Soup Kitchen.
Fear the Faerie You may think they are
powerful forces of good. And you would be right. Well, mostly right, anyway. There's
one faerie out there that isn't the picture of perfection: Jhudora.
The Faerie of Books and Such You've all heard of Jhudora, Fyora, and Illusen, but have you ever
wondered about the poor faerie who works at the bookshop?
How Safe Are Our Neopoints? I was playing the game Trouble at the National Neopian, when
it occurred to me, who is keeping all those nasty thieves and villains out when
we aren’t playing?
Reign of the Shadows: Part Four "Don't you see what they're doing?" Jeran asked.
"They're using you as a puppet! Half of Neopia will flock to help the side that
Illusen stands by! All they want is power."