"Five Minutes" by biogirl1991 "Hi, Spitsy!" Senya giggled, giving her petpet a fond pat. Spitsy the Spyder cooed with delight and squirmed. The little petpet had gotten its name on account of how much he drooled. The constant leakage made him very high maintenance, but Senya couldn't bear...
Are You a Spender Or a Saver? Do you buy something every time you go out of your neohome? Or do you rarely buy anything at all unless it's like only 100 NP?
Kiss The Mortog In this game you are trying to pick the prince out of a number of mortogs. Every round a mortog is added and the neopoints you can earn increases, as well as the frustration.
Ailemea Smiled: Part Three The Skunk Poogle followed me uncertainly around the bottom floor. First, I showed her the guest bedroom. She grimaced unpleasantly at the horrible decorating. "Are you trying to scare away your guests?" she asked...