Slightly Ebil - 300th Edition AftermathThe Slightly Ebil gang decides to do something evil.... wait a minute... they're ACTUALLY going to do something EVIL?
In the Beginning there was... Sloth? No, your eyes do not deceive you! The first recorded life form on Neopia was our very own dictator, Dr. Frank Sloth. Some 2000 years ago, Dr. Sloth stumbled upon a very different Neopia to the modern day world. He landed his spaceship on the desolate and lifeless planet, and finding the husk of a world to his liking, he immediately set up a laboratory on...
The Price of an Enemy Krell Vitor, captain of the Haunted Woods team, stepped in front of me. This team had kicked us out of the tournament last year...
Neopia's Guide for Death-Defying Vacations The purpose of this little travel guide is to offer you the top four vacation spots for those Neopians seeking a little more... thrill.
Baery's Quest: Part One He was born from the smallest of Draik eggs, into a family of Draiks. He was always the runt and the smallest of his older brothers, but he also knew he was destined to be greatest of all of them...
The Underground: Part Three "You claim they kidnapped a Spardel and a Gruslen, are holding them against their will, and creating a plan to rob Neopia blind? Why didn't the Gruslen just eat them?"