"Linger" by wicked_summer My name is Ghost, and I'm a ghost. I'm the kind of person who doesn't believe in complicating matters needlessly. I'm also the kind of person who likes to skulk around in old (and structurally unsound) buildings, giving myself the appearance of a monster (with feathers, I like feathers) and giving newcomers to the Deserted Tomb a good scaring. Hey, when you've been dead as long as I have, you learn to take your laughs where you can. Precious few things in life (sorry, death) are things that you can laugh at. That is...
The Long-Awaited Arrival The Yurble looked up briefly to groan about the unconquerable level of dust these days, and saw a strange sparkle through a window...
It’s a Weewoo Delivery! Good day, Woo; let us get straight into the point. With the increasing Neopian population, and demand for the Neopian Times, how do you make your deliveries?
The Night of Nothing: Part Four "Thank you for releasing... what?" The Faerie looked confused. "But you captured me! No blessing for you!" The Faerie tapped Balthazar's nose with her wand, and it burst into flames...