"The Return" by kimssuperanimals Axle broke in hurriedly. "He only means that ten years is a very long time. We assumed, understandably, that you were dead. We did search for you, thinking that you may have been imprisoned somewhere, but all traces of you had vanished. When your clasp appeared in the recess, we feared that your killers had come to take the rest of us..."
Derbi Azar and Yooyuball Referee: No Relation "I realize the resemblance is uncanny," Azar said, in a written response issued through a representative. "However, we are not related..."
Altador Cup: How to Stay on the Track to All-Star I am still on track to attaining the much desired Rank 20 in time despite falling behind schedule on several occasions. Here, I share the things that have kept me going...
Being Grey: Part Three Those words, those three words – so innocent, so harmless, and yet they were dangerous and painful beyond anything imaginable...