Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 190,988,565 Issue: 587 | 22nd day of Running, Y15
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You really didn't think this through, did you?

Idea by bulletmarsh

by sunarel

Too Many Buttons!

Unfortunately, he won a pink dress...

Also by guik44

by saudadesdagripe

I Challenge You!

Flaming Meerca!

Idea by magnetismo

by cevierakasky

Who's the Boss? The Haircut Part 5

Notice anything?

by mhchristine

Try as you might, you can't trick the fountain faerie quest faerie.

by spiritroop
Needless Scrawls

... yes.

by charybdis7
Dessert Disaster


by silverfang_avatar
Sharp Strokes

Fitting how a nonexistant place has nonexistant manners towards newcomers.

by luciantheblaze
Something's Missing...

Life doesn't always go your way.

by izziqueen
A Wonderful Day

Could have just said no...

by alicia10l
Baby Kacheek's Big Problem


by jennyliu465
Tumble Dry

Don't forget to use fabric softener.

by rissy123
Meanwhile in Tyrannia...

Also evil looking Neopets love to eat some veggies!

by tirrya
Hey Little Kad, What Can I Get You?

Aww, poor Kad...

Idea by rousselove

by rainbowcupcakee

How To: Fight

According to this Tyrannian Eyrie...

by taybabatool123
The Chase is Better than the Catch - Smug Philosopher

Or how to obtain a Philosophers wig for free

by iffaz_arafaz_5
When the Obelisk Appeared...

So amazing...

Written by pikachu315111

by nj_kitty_1


3 points in health?

by ttuks
Multiple Lens Flare?

You must be joking!

by natural_gal123
The Potionmaker

Magic requires careful measurements.

by fizhezy
The Truth Behind the Mysterious Obelisk

Didn't see that coming...

by krazybabeh
Cim and Zel's Adventures During the War

Just so you guys know, Cim's the Kougra and Zel's the Ogrin.

by stupidyou3
Blah Blah -Obelisk War Part One-

Faction choosing or gardens?

by highwind20
Not the Best Example

No really, not all Stealthy pets are thieves...

by lupeyloonylupin
Search the Neopian Times


Underrated Royal Girls

Since the birth of the Royal Paint Brush in Year 6, Neopia has been blessed by the grace and charm of many species of royal pets, 49 to be exact. Without them, there would be none to rule except the Faerie Queen, but come on! Doesn't the Faerie Queen need help reigning and looking beautiful sometimes? If you told her the latter, though, I don't think she would be very happy. But I digress. What I've noticed over the years, especially on the Pound Board for the few times I dared to venture into the stormy sea of trades, is that some noble-pets are favored more than others...

Other Stories


Salt Water and Soy Biscuits
Some of them haven't even seen the ocean.

You're not sure how anything in their world can be okay.

by cc_coffman98


Summer... Fun?
I was practicing the piano, as I normally did at that time in the afternoon. I was interrupted by my mother, who leapt into the music room, slipped on the carpet, and fell...

by kristykimmy


5 Ways To Use Your Fountain Faerie Quest
She lazes around her Fountain all day, waiting for a kind Neopian to come by. When they do, she asks them to find her the item she has lost. Delight spreads across the lucky Neopian's face as they race off for the item.

by river_valley37


Chronicles of a Scuffed-Up Battledome Pet
Tips and lessons learned from our first war.

by shusu_chan


There Are No How-To Books for Aspiring Ninjas: Part One
Orion looked at himself in the mirror. Big green eyes, fluffy tail, adorable green stripe, yes, he was cute. They were fine with that. But he wasn't satisfied with cute. He wanted more than that in life.

by serissa98


Infinity II: Control - Part Eleven
Flicker had been waiting, itching for it all day: the chance to fight Granite without any interruptions.

by blueys45

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